uild vice-president Roly
Smith has been involved
in a number of filming
and mixed media programmes
recently, speaking on his
‘specialist subject’ – the Mass
Trespass on Kinder Scout in
The first was a 13-minute video
entitled ‘Mass Trespass’ produced
by Well Red Films of Sheffield,
which had 1,000 hits on Vimeo
in 72 hours, and is now well over
2,000. Actress Maxine Peake
described the film as “a must
see.” Then, with other Sheffield
ramblers, he was out on Kinder
filming with Michael Portillo for
a forthcoming programme in his
forthcoming Great British Railway
Journeys series, and finally, he
was interviewed for the popular
San Francisco-based podcast
99% Invisible, during which he
was actually persuaded to sing
the chorus of ‘The Manchester
Apart from his media work,
Roly has just completed his
latest book – Wonders of the Peak:
Then and Now – in partnership
with photographer Chris Gilbert
and a foreword by the Duke of
Devonshire. It will be published
later this month by Byway
Image Roly (second right) with Michael Portillo and other Sheffield ramblers on The
Nab at Edale, Grindslow Knoll in the background. Inset: cover of Roly’s new book