OWPG: Media News Bulletin Spring 2019 | Page 23

ights! D avid Ramshaw has just returned (29th March) from a three day break in Iceland in a forlorn attempt to photograph the Aurora Borealis. He should have known better as the sun is in its minimum sunspot cycle since 1906 and the weather in Iceland this week was cloudy, very windy and snowing, the late night Aurora trip being cancelled on all three nights. However there are some great Aurora pictures on his ’Border Astronomical Society website’ taken by members in Cumbria over recent years. As a result the break became a series of visits to Thingvellir National Park, a World Heritage Site, Gulfoss Waterfall, Strokkur Geyser, the Blue Lagoon and the Viking Museum. The weather changed hourly from driving snow, to brilliant sunshine and occasionally very strong winds but overall the trip was well worthwhile, but at this time of year you need your ‘Yak Trax’ as the paths and walkways are very icy. Contact David... telephone 01228 543302 email [email protected] website www.p3publications.com