OWPG: Media News Bulletin March 2017 | Page 2

media news bulletin

T he Outdoor Writers Guild was founded in 1980 by a small group of writers , most of whom were closely involved in writing about outdoor equipment and clothing . Within five years it had expanded hugely , taking in writers who concentrated on the experience rather than the gear , along with a growing number of photographers .

In an attempt to reflect this diversity , the Guild changed its name in 2006 to

Spring 2016

Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild . Even this fails to do justice to the breadth of members ’ skills and we also adopted the informal strapline ‘ Words and Pictures from the Outdoors ’.
Today ’ s membership includes writers , journalists , photographers , illustrators , broadcasters , film-makers , artists , publishers and editors , but all with the common bond of a passionate interest in the outdoors .
Where OWPG members have been recently

www . owpg . org . uk