OWPG: Media News Bulletin June 2017 | Page 23

eald D eirdre Huston is walking ancient tracks of chalk, cobbles and grass to research trails and learn how the Wealden landscape has been shaped by the past. A walk becomes perfect when she stumbles across extra-special places. Wander though the SSSI at Rocks Wood on a summer’s day: sunlight creeps through the canopy, water rushes around rocks in a ghyll-side stream and ferns unfurl their leaves towards the light, reaching up from the damp, dark soil. In summer 2018, Day Walks on the High Weald will be released by Vertebrate Publishing and Deirdre hopes to also exhibit a collection of photographs which encapsulate this unique area. Follow Deirdre’s blog: www.daywalksinthehighwealdwithdeirdrehuston.wordpress.com Footbridge into River Medway Conservation Area © Deirdre Huston Inset: Rocks Wood © Deirdre Huston