OWPG: Media News Bulletin January 2018 | Page 2

Cover image Clevedon Pier, Somerset by Steve Davison Media News Bulletin WINTER 2018 T he Outdoor Writers Guild was founded in 1980 by a small group of writers, most of whom were closely involved in writing about outdoor equipment and clothing. Within five years it had expanded hugely, taking in writers who concentrated on the experience rather than the gear, along with a growing number of photographers. In an attempt to reflect this diversity, the Guild changed its name in 2006 to Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild. Even this fails to do justice to the breadth of members’ skills and we also adopted the informal strapline ‘Words and Pictures from the Outdoors’. Today’s membership includes writers, journalists, photographers, illustrators, broadcasters, film-makers, artists, publishers and editors, but all with the common bond of a passionate interest in the outdoors. If you’re a writer, photographer, or are involved in the outdoor trade or of a relevant profession you could join the Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild. To apply for membership please send a CV and samples of your work by email to Ronald Turnbull, OWPG’s membership secretary, care of: [email protected]. Please don’t hesitate to contact Ronald if you’d like further information about joining OWPG. Where OWPG members have been recently www.owpg.org.uk