Ownit Magazine #JULY-AUGUST 2018 | Page 5

One evening I heard this voice in my head, it whispered... Own it. That moment I realized, that's what the name of the magazine had to be. Own it, let yourself be great. Get out of your own way. Help others to be all they can be with something you do best. For me that's writing and visualizing. What's it for you? Find out, make a plan and go do it. This magazine will publish an issue bi-monthly. It's a magazine for the spiritually conscious woman, who feels a deep longing for living a meaningful and fulfilling life and who wants to make a difference. It covers subjects on awareness/consciousness and confidence; stimulating work, (social) entrepreneurship, creativity, sustainability and the development of personal power in a fun and modern way.
So find your value to bring value and you will receive value. It's the circle of life. Let me give you that little push to step into your power, to let yourself be great. Start your own journey of owning it. I know you can because I did it—and I was my own worst critic. Enjoy the magazine.

Get my 10 steps to Ownit and Create a Life that aligns with You.

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