Ownit Magazine #4 JAN-FEB 2018 | Page 26

13 fears that keep you from being remarkable

Whether you're boldly walking into your boss's office to discuss a conflict on your team or you're walking onto the stage to deliver an important keynote address, you will likely be confronted with the rush of unease, nervousness, or, let's face it, outright fear.
As women, we are all too familiar with how this feels - your palms get sweaty, your heart begins to race, you feel energy rushing through your body and all you can think about is how to avoid it: flee, fight, or freeze.
I'm not talking about the self-protective, instinctual fear that has evolved as a protection mechanism. That kind of fear is good for you. It rushes in when you're in true danger and spikes your adrenaline so you can defend yourself or get to safety should the need arise. I call this rational fear.
The fear I'm talking about is the one that comes from your thoughts and is linked to your limiting beliefs about yourself and the world around you. This kind of fear is based in scarcity and self-doubt, and it keeps you stuck in a loop of inaction, rather than moving you forward toward what you want. I call this irrational fear.
In the organizations we work with, we help women leaders see their irrational fears for what they are: Falsehoods that keep them stuck in the status quo and prevent them from becoming the fullest expression of who they are.