Ownit Magazine #4 JAN-FEB 2018 | Page 14

"Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History"

Ouch! Have you heard this statement by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich before? Does it surprise you? Does it lead you to act in a different way? Are you thinking of your impact and legacy?

If you’re like me, you’re likely just thinking about how to make it through the week with work and family commitments. But there is an easy way to make long-term impact and legacy part of your day-to-day routine.

WOMEN CAN MAKE HISTORY “when they do the unexpected, when they create and preserve records, and when later generations care.”

Try implementing these three steps today!

Author: Dayna Young, M.M.

Dayna Young is a gifted musician and teacher, and a passionate entrepreneur with a global skincare company. She's a mother of four beautiful children and lives in Texas, U.S.A. She shares her passion for music at daynayoung.com. Dayna empowers women through her business, lifestyle and writing.