Ownit Magazine #2 - Sept-Okt. 2017 | Page 13

Who's in Control? You or Your Money?

I was waiting at the airport in London, checking my Facebook account, while reading my book, and I bumped into Lisa Peek's Facebook Live Session where she was talking about the problem many people face, particularly women, on how to pursue their purpose and make money at the same time.

My attention was drawn to her immediately for I was ready to learn what she had to say. I was already working on the matter, reading the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, who is very straightforward on how YOU need to be in control of your money, not your MONEY being in control of you.

I needed to take responsibility, so I downloaded Lisa Peek’s Money Mindset Journal (click the image on this page). It raises your awareness around money immediately. The way you think about money will determine if you have it or not.

Like my mother used to say: "Like attracts like," this goes the same for money. You will only get money if you want it, feel good about it, and are willing to possess it. Are your mind and bank account ;) open to receive?

If you've been brought up with limiting beliefs about money, chances are you don't have enough of it or that it will never come your way. It's that important to have a clean slate.

Exploring your money blocks, creating a money map, setting goals, and working them out in tangible actions are all part of Lisa's Abundance Boostcamp Program. I joined her 7-week program and the online workshop at the end to finalize a plan. Lisa even included a bonus of two one-on-one sessions. All attendees with different dreams made progress on their journey to success.

We all had one thing in common, though: to pursue our dream and make an impact. But to do that, you need money! And we dare to say it out loud now!

"I cleaned up a few money blocks, talked to my parents, took a trip to Ireland from where my fear of success was derived, and Iearned how to translate my goal into actions and weekly planning. For me, it cleared the way toward success TO HAVE AN impact AND EARN money."

Download the Money Mindset Journal here. Click the image.

Lisa Peek, The Impact Ripple, Money & Impact Coach