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Family feud


Genji Shimada and Hanzo Shimada are brothers from the Shamada crime family. Genji was younger than Hanzo and was more of a socialite. One day Hanzo and Genji´s dad died. Genji wanted nothing to do with the Shimada clan so he quit. Hanzo which was now the leader of the clan was pressured into killing Genji. Hanzo killed Genji while he was praying. Hanzo cut through Genji’s right shoulder to his waist. After Hanzo left the Shimada clan because he could not forgive himself for what he did and became a mercenary. Meanwhile Genji that was presumed dead had been rebuilt with cybernetics and was now working for Blackwatch. His job was specifically to fight the Shimada clan (since he knew their fighting style). Every year Hanzo would go to pray in honor of his brother. One day Genji which had heard about Hanzo’s praying went to visit his brother. Hanzo did not know who he was at first to so he tried to kill him. They fought for a while until Hanzo realized he was fighting his brother. Genji told Hanzo to forgive himself and left. Hanzo was perplexed.