Overture Magazine 2019-20 BSO_Overture_Jan Feb | Page 50
by Rosie Constantine
Brian Prechtl
Many know Brian Prechtl (pictured left) for his
wholehearted commitment to the BSO; he is not
only a dedicated orchestra member, but also
serves as Chair of the Player’s Committee and
teaches at OrchKids four days a week. With a
schedule like this, Brian still manages to find time
to clear his mind by hiking in Patapsco State Park
with his husband Tad and their dog Clarence.
“Being out in nature allows you to reconnect
—not only with yourself, but with the great
eternal forces that nature reminds us of,” says
Brian. “It centers me in the same way music
does. It’s a much needed escape from the
demands of the world.”
Brian also finds that his time in nature has had
a significant impact on his musicianship, most
notably through his compositions.
“I try to capture some of those magical
moments,” says Brian. “They don’t call them
‘mountain top’ moments for nothing! I’ve just
completed a set of pieces that are settings of
poetry by Walt Whitman. One of the pieces that
I set is called Grand is the Seen and it reflects on
nature’s grandeur.”
In addition to his busy schedule with the BSO,
Brian was recently selected for the League
of American Orchestra’s Emerging Leaders
Program, which includes one-on-one coachings
with industry professionals and in-depth
seminars throughout the season.
“I’m looking forward to gaining new skills,
and I realize there is so much still to learn
about this business,” says Brian. “As all of
my colleagues do, I feel I have a lot of heart
for the mission already. These skills help me
to understand the other aspects essential to
make an orchestra thrive.
“Right now, we as an organization are looking
for our path. Just like hiking, it’s only in
hindsight that you can see the path from the
beginning all the way through to the end. You
don’t always know what you’re going to see,
and you’re not always sure where the path is
going to take you. Now is the time for the BSO
family to embrace our journey together.”
OV E R T U R E / BSOmusic.org