Overture Magazine - 2018-19 Season BSO_Overture_Sept_Oct | Page 42
Ms. Brenda Saunders
Mr. William Saunders
John and Gioia Sawchuk
Terrence Sawyer
SC&H Group, LLC
Ellen Schaefer
Susan Scharf
Mr. Wayne R. Schaumburg
Ms. Irma Schechter
Ms. Ann Scheck
Amy Bober-Schenerman and
Mark Schenerman
Mr. Benjamin Scherer
Joanne Schmader and Michael Casassa
John and Deborah Schmidt
Linda Schmidt
The Honorable Kurt L. Schmoke and
Dr. Patricia L. Schmoke, MD
Greg and Pauline Schneider
Ms. Jean Schoenleber
Dr. Hendrik P. Scholl
Dee and Robert Schuette
Rick and Tracey Schultz
Fred and Janet Schutzman
Jim and Charlene Schwark
Eleanor Schwark
Mr. Neil Herbert Schwartz
Frederick and Kathleen Schwarz
Barbara Schweizer
Mr. James Scott
Lyndi Scott-Strite
Mr. Wayne Scott
Paula Seabright and Gabriel Hightower
Second Presbyterian Church of Baltimore
Mrs. Sarah Sedlak
Clair Segal
Dr. Priya Sekar
Valerie Serrall
Ms. Alexis Seth
Maxine Seyboth
Judith Shamir
M. Sigmund and Barbara Shapiro
Ronald and Kathryn Shapiro
Stephen and Anita Shaw
Ms. Joanne Shea
Mark and Lauren Sheehan
Dr. Louise Sheiner
Ms. Martha E. Shelhoss
Ms. Barbara Shelhoss
Stephen Shepard and Peggy Hetrick
Ms. Patricia Shiflett
Ms. Gloria Shin
Ms. Mary Shine
Lucia Shoemaker and John Schwab
Samuel and Josephine Shore
Mr. Craig Shore
Burdette and Judith Short
Alexander and Patricia Short
Mr. Sheldon Shugarman
Mrs. Virginia G. Shuger
Richard and Francine Shure
Leonard and Virginia Siems
Jean Silber
Rachel Silber
Ms. Gillian Silver
Morton and Harriet Silverstein
Mrs. Alyssa Silverstein
Mr. and Mrs