Overture Magazine - 2018-19 Season BSO_Overture_NOV_DEC | Page 40

RESOUNDING The John Corona Corrigan Sports Enterprises Ms. Marjorie Corwin Frank and Jane Costanzi Mr. David Costello Alex and Chrissy Cotsalas Mr. Nicholas Coutros Barbara and William Cowie Ms. Erma S. Craig Ms. Barbara Crawley Cristina Creager Margaret O. Cromwell Family Fund Mr. Michael Cryor The Honorable Elijah Cummings Mr. Max Curran Mr. Jackson Curreri Meosotis Curtis Ms. Raymarlyn Curtis Ms. Ellen B Cutler Carol and John Cyphers Ms. Maris St. Cyr D’Addario Foundaion Sophie Dagenais James and Anne Dale Ms. Laurel Damashek Linwood Dame Dr. Dallas Dance Irwin Danels Marcia Daniel Patricia Daniel Jane and Worth* Daniels Ron Daniels and Joanne Rosen Mrs. Sarah David Tema S. David Mr. Thomas E. Davies Hal Davis and Susan Levine Miss Cynthia Dawson Douglass and Susan Day Ms. Kathryn L. Day Ms. Jovonne C. Day-Miles Mr. Eugene M. de Lara Lisa DeCamp Deering Family Foundation Dorothy and Stephen Degaray Mr. James DeGraffenreidt and Dr. Mychelle Farmer Mrs. Marion DeGroff Ms. Camille Delaney-McNeil and Aaron McNeil Judy Delbera Lisa Delima Mrs. Barbara DeLouise Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Denlinger Mr. Miguel Dennis Mrs. Barbara K. Dent Marie des Jardins and John Park Mrs. Tanya Deshields-Yates Kevin and Loretta D’Eustachio Mrs. Mariam D’Eustachio Ms. Geraldine Diamond Susan Dibs and M. Douglas Baker Betty Lee and Dudley P. Digges Memorial Fund Lenox Dingle Sheila Ann Dixon William Dixon Miss Sylvia Betts Dodd Ms. April Dodge Carol Dodson Leslie Donnelly Ms. Barbara A. Donohoe Kevin Donovan and Sandra Asirvatham Ms. Harriet Dopkin 38 OV E R T U R E / BSOmusic.org Campaign for the BSO’s Ms. Anna Dopkin Mr. James Doran Ms. Victoria Dorf Mrs. Alice Dorshow Ms. Marcia Dresner Larry and Jane Droppa Gloria and Lindsay Dryden Mr. L. Dyson Dryden Shaojia Du and Xiaoyin Wang Norman and Valerie Dubin DuBois Circle Craig and Nan Duerling Elvis Dumervil David and Yehudis Eagle Brian Eakes Nancy and Alan Eason John and Donna Easton The Estate of William B. Eddisson Donna Eden Ms. Joyce Edington Edwards & Hill Communications, LLC Gretchen Edwards Willem Van Eeghen Dr. Georgia Franyo-Ehlers Ms. Paula Ferris Einaudi Mary and James Elliott Todd Elliott Stuart and Margery Elsberg Mrs. Gabriella Emmett Mr. & Mrs. John H. Engel Mr. Michael Enright Epworth United Methodist Chapel Mr. Raphael D. Erfe Ms. Carol Erhardt Yener and Brenda Erozan Ms. Karen McNamara Esposito Patrick and Janice Eteme Mr. Alan W. Evans Charles and Beth Evans Exchange Club of Highlandtown Inc. Exelon Corporation John Eyring Family League of Baltimore City, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Farinacci Seth Goldman and Julie Farkas Mrs. Kathleen D. Farno Ms. Carmen L. Farrior Arthur and Eena Feld Mark and Beth Felder Mrs. Katherine Feldmann Sandra Feldman Melissa and Ilya Feliciano Mr. H. Stephen Fender Jianhua Feng and Zhibing Chen Mrs. Allison Ferguson Marlene and Walter Ferguson Ms. Gladys Fernandez Kathleen and Jorge Fernandez Mark Fetting and Georgia Smith Mr. Stephen Filer Bonnie Finch Matthew Firor Alvin and Hilda Fisher Frances Fisher Morton and Ann Fisher Sara Fishman Frederick Flaccavento Ms. Joanne Flax Jerome and Rosemarie Fleg Kelly Fleming Ms. Lois Flowers Veronica Foley Eric and Amy Forseter Second Centur y Fortineaux Associates Laurlene Straughn Pratt Foundation Parks & People Foundation T. Rowe Price Foundation William Randolph Hearst Foundation Mr. Robert Fowler Stephen and Jayne Frank Mr. Stan Frazier John and Elaine Freeman Arlene and Kenneth Friedman Ellen Friedman Ms. Judith Friedman Mr. Donald Fry Dr. Jillian Fry Mr. David Fu Mrs. Ann Fugett Dr. Erin Fults Ms. Jane Fun Ms. Lisa Gaffney Marina and John Gaffney Kathleen and John Gagnon Ms. L. Denise Galambos Mr. Matthew Gallagher Ms. Nancy Gallagher Ms. Christina Gallo Ms. Ethel W. Galvin Gamma Boule Foundation Ms. Barbara Gamse Nona Gandelman Jeffrey Gangwisch and Robbye Apperson Lyle Garitty Pinkney and Yvonne Garner Mr. Robert Garnet Leete and Jamie Garten John and Christine Gazurian Ms. Gail Geller Judith Geller and Michael Raitzyk Ms. Gretchen Genello John Gerwig Phyllis Joy Gestrin Ms. Vera Gibbs Wilson and Jeanne Gildee Raquel Whiting Gilmer Susan Gilson Mr. & Mrs. James L. Ginsburg Ms. Arlene Gioia Mr. John M. Gipson Mrs. Suzanne L. Given Corliss and Thomas Glennon Michael and Jane Glick Ms. Jeanette Glose Ms. Kayla Gluck Mr. Christopher Gocke Mr. Adam Goers Mr. Justin Golart Mrs. Louise Goldberg Lewis and Louise Goldfine Barry and Florence Goldgeier David and Eleanor Goldstein Thomas and Andrea Goldstein Ms. Jenny Good Katherine Goodrich Marion and James Goodrich Carol and Russell Gordon Ms. Lynne T. Gorman The Estate of Dailinia Gorn The Samuel G. And Margaret A. Gorn Foundation Julie and Stephen Gottlieb Ms. April Gottsagen Dr. Meredith Gould Mr. James Gouldmann Mr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Graef Grafton Consulting LLC Mr. Andrew Graham Ms. Jean Elizabeth Graham Ms. Betsy Granek Mrs. Toni Greenberg Mrs. Emily Greene Dr. Sue Greene Mrs. Marlene Greenebaum Ms. Peggy Greenman Mrs. Lauren Greenwald Alison Greer Mr. Demetreus Gregg Molly Gregory Nancy Gregory Mr. J. David Greydanus Ulrike Gross Richard and Linda Grossi PNC Financial Services Group Mrs. Donna Lucia Guarino Leonard and Susan Guberman Ms. Claude Helene Guillemard Ronald and Cynthia Gunderson Joann Gusdanovic and Lisa Evans Ms. Julia Guth Ms. Adelaide A. Habel Miles and Ronnie Haber Ms. Stephanie R. Hack Eric Hadaway Kenneth and Arlene Haddock Ms. Marian Hahn Kathryn Haller and Jeffrey Johnson Fern and J. Edward Hamel Carole Hamlin and C. Fraser Smith Brian and Carolyn Hammock Robert and Beverly Handwerger Ms. Lincolnette Handy Kristen Handy-Brown James Hanes Taylor Hanex Michael and Ann Hankin Richard Hannigan Dr. Michael Hansen and Ms. Nancy Randa James and Linda Happel Mrs. Beth Happick Har Sinai Congregation Bernadene Harper Ronald and Carol Harrell Dr. Jacqueline Harris Ms. Kati Harrison Ms. Pat Hartley Wilbert and Lillie Hawkins Dr. Carla Hayden Joanne Hayes and Deidre Carroll Maurice and Lisa Haywood Donald and Sybil Hebb Mrs. Anita Heffernan Mrs. Shanna Heilveil John Heinlein David and Linda Hellmann Ms. Rhonda Henderson William Henderson The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Mrs. Hortense H. Henry The Herbert Bearman Foundation Mr. Barry Herman Ms. Miriam Herman Ms. Annalise Heron Thomas and Sandra Hess Mr. Martin K.P. Hill Robert and Sandra Hillman Martin and Paula Himeles