Overture Magazine - 2018-19 Season BSO_Overture_MAR_APR | Page 42
Jon and Barbara Samuels
Mrs. Jeanne Samuels
Wendy Sanborn
Ms. Kirsten E. Sandberg
Ms. Maureen Sandberg
Dina and John Sarbanes
Mrs. Jennifer Sarlin
Ms. Molla Sarros
David and Ann Saunders
Ms. Brenda Saunders
Mr. William Saunders
John and Gioia Sawchuk
Terrence Sawyer
SC&H Group, LLC
Ellen Schaefer
Susan Scharf
Mr. Wayne R. Schaumburg
Ms. Irma Schechter
Ms. Ann Scheck
Amy Bober-Schenerman and
Mark Schenerman
Mr. Benjamin Scherer
Joanne Schmader and Michael Casassa
John and Deborah Schmidt
Linda Schmidt
The Honorable Kurt L. Schmoke and
Dr. Patricia L. Schmoke, MD
Greg and Pauline Schneider
Ms. Jean Schoenleber
Dr. Hendrik P. Scholl
Dee and Robert Schuette
Rick and Tracey Schultz
Fred and Janet Schutzman
Jim and Charlene Schwark
Eleanor Schwark
Mr. Neil Herbert Schwartz
Frederick and Kathleen Schwarz
Barbara Schweizer
Mr. James Scott
Lyndi Scott-Strite
Mr. Wayne Scott
Paula Seabright and
Gabriel Hightower
Second Presbyterian Church
of Baltimore
Mrs. Sarah Sedlak
Clair Segal
Dr. Priya Sekar
Valerie Serrall
Ms. Alexis Seth
Maxine Seyboth
Judith Shamir
M. Sigmund and Barbara Shapiro
Stephen and Anita Shaw
Ms. Joanne Shea
Mark and Lauren Sheehan
Dr. Louise Sheiner
Ms. Martha E. Shelhoss
Ms. Barbara Shelhoss
Stephen Shepard and Peggy Hetrick
Ms. Patricia Shiflett
Ms. Gloria Shin
Ms. Mary Shine
Lucia Shoemaker and John Schwab
Samuel and Josephine Shore
Mr. Craig Shore
Burdette and Judith Short
Alexander and Patricia Short
Mr. Sheldon Shugarman
Mrs. Virginia G. Shuger
Richard and Francine Shure
Leonard and Virginia Siems
Jean Silber
Rachel Silber
OV E R T U R E / BSOmusic.org
Ms. Gillian Silver
Morton and Harriet Silverstein
Mrs. Alyssa Silverstein
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Simms
Ms. Marjorie B. Simon
Mrs. Elizabeth Simon-Higgs
Mrs. Muriel Simon
Wendy and Mike Singer
Ellwood and Thelma Sinsky
Barbara and Joseph Skillman
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Slack
Jacqueline and Phill Slavney
Ms. Beth Slepian
John S. Slifka
Mr. John R. Sliger
Ms. Anne Sloan
Jaime Slocum
The Honorable and
Mrs. James T. Smith
Elizabeth and Claire Smith
Karen and Michael Smith
Ms. Nancy E Smith
Norman and Rona Smith
Ms. Patricia M Smith
Mr. Graylin Smith
Mr. James Smith
Dr. and Mrs. William Smulyan
Lee and Gloryann Snyder
Ms. Shirley Snyder
Ms. Stephanie Snyder
Ms. Joan Sobkov
Richard and Lorna Solomon
Alfred and Jill Sommer
Joyce and Yeong Song
Ms. Geetika Sood
Courtney Spangler
Dr. Frank Sparandero
Ms. Betty Spear
Scott and Heather Speert
Ms. Suzanne Spencer
Don Spero and Nancy Chasen
Kimberly Spiro
Mrs. Mary T. Sprow
Ms. Teerada Sripaipan
Eric and Karen Stahl
Barbara and Frederick Stam
Terry and Deborah Stambaugh
Michael and Katherine Stanka
Jerrica Stanley
Wilma and Lee Starkey
Mr. Charles Starkey
Joan Stearman
Ronald and Susie Stern
Ms. Andrea Stern
Stephen and Sue Sternheimer
Deborah Stetson
Alexandra Stevens
Susan Stewart
Shale Stiller and Ellen Heller
Ms. Carrie Wilson Stockwell
Ms. Shirley H. Stokes
Corey Stone
Ms. Jacquelyn Stone
Geary L. Stonesifer
Mr. Thomas Stosur
David and Susan Straus
Ms. Angela M. Strope
Jeffrey and Erin Strovel
Ms. Harriet Stulman
Mrs. Bonnie Stump
Ms. Barbara Styrt
Dr. Robert Summe
Dr. Edward Syron
Dr. Michael Szedlmayer
Centur y
Ms. Margaret Taliaferro
Ms. Sharron D. Tan
James and Carolyn Tancock
Ms. Milagritos Tapia
Mr. Benjamin D. Tauber
Ms. Holly Ann Taylor
Ms. Angel Terol
Mr. Andrew J. Tesoro
Ms. Claudia Tesoro
David and Carolyn Thayer
Ms. Debra Therit
Ms. Susan Beth Thomas
Dr. Freeda Thompson
Mr. Fred Thomsen
Ms. Carrie Thornbery
Amy and Eric Tich
Ms. Karline Tierney
Maria and Chuck Tildon
Mrs. Anne Tilmes
Sarah Titus
Ms. Elizabeth J. Toole
Mrs. Normina L. Torres
Towson University
Alice Tracy
Carol Traub
Jim and Karen Trennepohl
True Q, LLC
Ms. Carole Trump
Ms. Kristen Tubman
Robin and Harold Tucker
Stanley and Cynthia Tucker
Ms. Kelley Tucker
Rebecca Tucker
Kathy Tugendhat
Ms. Kathryn Turner
Kristin and Rex Turner
Mr. Donald Tynes, Sr
Evans and Rose Tyson
James and Therese Ulmer
Ms. Marlene Underwood
United Way Central MD
United Way Of Greater Kansas City
Dana Valery
Ms. Kathryn Vaselkiv
Mr. Eric Veiel
Venable LLP
Eric and Noreen Victor
Marguerite and Umberto VillaSanta
Jan and Robert Wagner
Frank and Jane Walker
Kent and Suzanne Walker
Ms. Doris Walker
Mr. Harley Walker
Ms. Christine L. Wallace
David and Chris Wallace
Ms. Catherine A. Walsh
Ms. Jacqueline Walsh
Eleanor and Michael Walton
Ms. Frances Warner
John and Susan Warshawsky
Mr. and Mrs. David Warshawsky
Mrs. Manuele D. Wasserman
Leland and Marjory Watermeier
Ms. Tracy Watkins
Ms. Barbara J. Watson
Michelle and Trevin Wear
Elizabeth and John Weaver
Meg and Paul Weber
Lisa and Paul Webster
Lazar Wechsler and
Kaethe Wechsler-Jentzsch
The Wednesday Club
Francie Weeks and Scott Shane
Wen Wei
Cara Weiman
Mr. Howard Weinberg
D’Arcy and Bruce Weinberger
Brian and Karen Weinstein
Sheldon and Harriet Weinstock
Ilene and Stephen Weiss
Mr. Fred Weiss
Mr. Joseph Weiss
Marie Wells
Ms. Qiana Wells
Dr. Toni Wengerd
Christopher and Anne West
Westhoff Family Foundation
Ms. Sheila Wexler
Calbraith and Aimee Wheaton
Marvina Whethers
Ms. Louise M. White
Ms. Rita B. Whiting
Mr. Kenneth Whitley
Mrs. Mary Ellen Whitman
Gerard Whitmore
Scott and Mary Wieler
Mr. Thomas Wilcox
Mr. Eugene Wilkins
Jeri S. Wilkins
Mr. R. Adam Williams
Margaret D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams
Ms. Judith D. Willner
Ms. Caroline Wilner
Judy and Fred Wilpon
Ms. Felecia Wilson
William and Mary Beth Wilson
Susan Savits Winson
Ricco Winters
Mr. Daniel Wise
Frank Witter and
Mary Forbes Witter
Allen Wolf
Mrs. Melissa Wolf
Woman’s Club of Roland Park
Mr. Ken Wong
Mr. Ken Woodbury
Ms. Sarah Woodson
Mrs. Sandra Wool
Ms. Barbara Worsham
John and Ann Wotell
Ms. Frances Ann Wright
Dr. Andrea Wurster
Mattie Wynne
Nicholas and Ellen Yancich
Ellen Yankellow and Bill Chapman
Rong Ye and Max Hu
Charles and Carol Yoder
Ms. Eileen Yoffe
Kyle and Melissa Yoon
Ellen Yorke
Michael and Barbara Young
Mr. Neil Young
Pamela Young
Paul and Deborah Young-Hyman
Norman and Mary Youskauskas
Robert and Miriam Zadek
Ms. Ellen Kahan Zager
Joanne Zarling
Ms. Marya Zeigler
Mr. Shawn Zeigler
Lydia Zieglar
Steve Ziger
The Estate of Dr. Mildred Zindler
Jeff Zoller