Overture Magazine - 2018-19 Season BSO_Overture_MAR_APR | Page 10
There are many reasons to be excited about the
upcoming concert season, but one of the major
themes is a celebration of women in classical music.
During what will be the 100 th anniversary of
women’s suffrage in the U.S., Alsop and the BSO are
The new season highlights women in classical music and taking the opportunity to highlight the outstanding
artistry of women in the field, from conductors
a special project spearheaded by Marin Alsop and in
Carolyn Kuan, Ruth Reinhardt and Xian Zhang
collaboration with Carnegie Hall to commemorate the
to composers Anna Clyne, Vivian Fung and Lotta
Wennäkoski, among many more.
250 anniversary of Beethoven’s birth.
“Considering it is 2019 and the country will be
lanning an orchestra’s artistic season is a remembering and reflecting upon this significant
process that takes years to put together. moment in our history, I felt it was important to
With the competing schedules of venues, put together a season that represents the world as
music directors, guest conductors and we all believe it should be,” said Alsop. “Rather than
soloists, there are many moving parts that tokenism, I wanted to present the ‘new normal,’ so
are constantly changing and developing.
all of the women we are presenting in 19–20 were
“Most symphony orchestras are looking about selected for their talent and abilities first. They deserve
two years out,” said BSO Vice President and General to be on stage as much as their male colleagues. This
Manager Tonya McBride Robles. “Our Music is hopefully only the start to a new and more inclusive
Director, Marin Alsop, guides, directs and leads the approach to programming.”
overall planning process because of her critical role as
There are also many spectacular guest artists
our artistic leader. We also work with Principal Pops like violinist Viktoria Mullova, making her long-
Conductor Jack Everly for the Pops series and Associate awaited BSO debut; pianist Yulianna Avdeeva; and
Conductor Nicholas Hersh for the Family concerts. Gala-headliner Renée Fleming.
Another key element of course is our musicians’ artistic
“I’m really excited about the way that we are
advisory committee. They have a lot of guidance and showcasing women in 19 –20,” said Robles. “I am
advice around programming. And the person who ties also so proud to say that we have a music director
all of this together is our Director of
who is the first female music direc-
Artistic Planning, Ab Sengupta —
tor of a major American orchestra.
he has the challenging role of pulling “Considering it is 2019 We celebrate Marin and celebrate
all of those components together.”
her support of other women in
and the country will
Thankfully for BSO concert- be remembering and
the field. And it nicely dovetails
goers, the stars aligned during reflecting upon this
with the centennial celebration of
planning for 19 –20 in a way that significant moment
American women’s right to vote.”
is certain to ensure something in our history, I felt it
Another major initiative launch-
for everyone.
ing in the 2019 –20 season is a
was important to put
“We have such a terrific season
project titled “All Together: A
together a season
in store for 19 –20,” said Alsop.
Global Ode to Joy,” which sees the
that represents
“I’m looking forward to presenting
BSO and Alsop join forces with
the world as we all
each of the programs, so choosing
Carnegie Hall and orchestras
only some [to highlight] is a little believe it should be.”
around the world. Commemorating
the 250 th anniversary of Beethoven’s
I’m particularly looking forward to
birth, Alsop will conduct perfor-
the Wagner-Hindemith-Brahms program, which mances of his Ninth Symphony on five continents
is all about forbidden love—a touch racy perhaps, with nine orchestras, including the BSO. Each
but it’s some of the most ardently beautiful music presentation is unique, with community members in
from the height of the Romantic period. We are also every location reimaging the work as a 21 st -century
presenting a complete performance of Stravinsky’s call for unity, justice and empowerment.
Pulcinella, which was commissioned by Diaghilev
“‘Ode to Joy’ is about standing up and being
for the Ballets Russes and had sets and costumes by counted in this world. It’s about believing in our
Picasso at its first performances. We will play it as a power as human beings,” said Alsop. “Everyone will
concert piece on a program with Brahms, Prokofiev be tied together by this experience, and I think that’s
and a new piece by Lera Auerbach.”
the important element—that through this project,
2019-20 SEASON!
OV E R T U R E / BSOmusic.org