Overture Magazine - 2018-19 Season BSO_Overture_JanFeb_19 | Page 41
Maryland State Arts Council
Julie Masiello
Mr. Andy Maslar
Ms. Gloria Jean Mason
Lydia Mason and Mark Ingram
Jason Mathias
Ms. Barbara Matthews
Lance Matthiesen
Daniel and Agnes Mazur
Michael McCaffery and
Beverly Wendland
Mr. Ronald McCallum
Ms. Mary Stuart McCamy
David and Susan McCardell
Ms. Valencia McClure
The Estate of Carol McCord
Mr. Leo C. McDonagh
Ms. Jamie McDonald
Sen. Nathaniel J. McFadden
James and Eve McGovern
Ms. Kathleen McGuire
Mr. Jim McIntyre
Vatrice McKoy
Ms. Florence A. McLean
Ms. Bettye J. Meadows
Jeffrey and Anita Meddin
Mr. Marcia Medina
Mr. Gary S. Melnick
Menchey Music Service, Inc.
Lauren Mendelsohn
Ms. Michelle N Mendez
Ms. Carol Merrell
Abel Merrill
Dr. Maria W. Merritt
Mr. Randolph Metcalfe
Ms. Jill Meyer
Harvey and Phyllis Meyerhoff
Neil and Sayra Meyerhoff
Joseph Meyerhoff and Dawna Cobb
Mr. Lou Mezzanotte
Daniel and Kay Michaelis
Ms. Susan Middaugh
Gary and Jill Miller
Herbert and Carrie Miller
Stephen and Susan Miller
Mrs. Barbara Miller
Ms. Deborah Miller
Mr. Stanley Miller
Hilary Miller and Katherine Bent
Janis Millete
Carol and Noah Minkin
Elizabeth and William Minkin
Cynthia Minkovitz
Mr. Brian Stokes Mitchell
John and Jolie Mitchell III
Ms. Patricia J. Mitchell
Ms. Peg Mitchell
Ms. Francine Mittelman
Herbert and Miriam Mittenthal
Dr. Margaret Mohler-Strahan
Mrs. Deborah Molesworth
Charles and Linda Monk
Wes and Dawn Moore
Ms. Lisa W. Moore
Daniel Moore and Elizabeth Pierce
Lisa Moore
Stephanie Moore
Claudia Morales
Robert and Lila Mordhorst
Mrs. Jennifer Morehouse
Mr. Ramal Moreland
Carolyn and Charles Morgan
Suzanne and Thomas Morgan
Mr. Jared Morgan
Ms. Maureen Morgan
Ms. Paulette Morgan
Terry Morgenthaler and Patrick Kerins
Shelley and Dan Morhaim
Joseph Morra
Ms. Elizabeth K. Moser
Ms. Trina Mostyn
Mr. Joseph Francis Mrozek
Mr. Kirk Mullen
Mrs. Joy Munster
Mr. William Murphy
Mrs. Carrie Murrie
Claire Myer and Robert Schuck
Mr. Andrew Myer
Roy and Gillian Myers
Margot B. Nadien
Dr. Sheila Namir
Mr. Marc Narkus-Kramer
Thomas and Judith Nassau
Ms. Amy Nathan
National Arts and Humanities
Youth Program
Ms. Virginia W. Naylor
Anne and Gerald Nelson
Mr. David Nelson
Network for Good
Mrs. Cynthia Neverdon-Morton
Ms. Mariette Hiu Newcomb
Jennifer and Thomas Newlin
Miss Alexandra Ng
David Nickels and Gerri Hall
Mr. Ron Nicodemus
Ms. Arline Nitzberg
Ms. Anna Noon
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Antonella Nota and Mark Clampin
Mark and Alice Notis
Ruth and Michael Notis
Ms. Anne-Marie Ntagahoraho
Susan K. Numrich
Andrew and Sharon Nussbaum
Mr. Charles Ober
Ms. Heather O’Brien
David and Laura O’Callaghan
Mr. Colm O’Comartun
Elizabeth O’Connell
Mrs. Charleen O’Connor
Diane O’Conor
Ryan and Katherine O’Doherty
Steven and Sherri O’Donnell
Antoinette O’Donnell
Elizabeth O’Gara
Lee and Marilyn Ogburn
Mr. Garrick Ohlsson
Jerry O’Keefe
Mr. Timothy Thomas O’Leary
David Oleynik
Mrs. Hannah Elaine Oliver
Miss Chiara Olivi
Ms. Elizabeth Olson
Mr. Steven Oney
Mr. Michael O’Pecko
Kevin O’Reilly
Ms. Bonnie Orrison
Dr. Adaora Osakwe
Nancy Osborn and Martin Beilin
Mr. Richard Osial
Richard and Lois Pace
Alexis Pace and Szu Burgess
Ms. Margaret Pagan
Mr. Stephen Painter
Centur y
Ms. Ellen-Jane K. Pairo
Mr. Jonathan Palevsky
Millie Paniccia
Cindy Paradies and Larry Moscow
Mr. and Mrs. Gazzater Parham
Bruce and Nancy Paris
Mrs. Young Ah Park
Jung Park
Mrs. Marcia Park
Ms. Nancy Parker
Edward and Kathleen Patey
Maureen Patton
Ms. Pamela Paulk
Ms. Ana Pavich
The Pearl Foundation
Ms. Amy Peck
Ms. LaTasha Peele
Peggy and Yale Gordon Trust
Catherine and Luis Penafiel
William and Kathleen Pence
Ms. Margaret Penhallegon
Kimberly and Aurelio Perez-Lugones
Patsy Perlman
Joan Perrault
Ms. Stephanie Pettaway
Ms. Jacquie Perry
Geraldine Perry
Ms. Julie Perry
Mr. Lawrence Peskin
Mr. Thomas Peter
Misha and Lis Petkevich
Ms. Ruth Pettus
Ms. Thien-Kim Pham
Jonathan Philipson
Ms. Lesley Pierce
Mr. Wendell Pierce
Ms. Jo-Ann Pilardi
Thomas and Natalie Pilon
Audrey and Thomas Pinkney
Michael* and Lisa Pintzuk
Arthur and Judith Pittenger
PLDA Interiors
Ms. Judith Plott
Teresa Pollet
Elizabeth Porter
Ms. Deborah Lou Potee
The Isaac & Leah M. Potts
Foundation, Inc.
Anne and Roger Powell
William and June Powers
Ms. Jennifer Powers
The Estate of Margery Pozefsky
Ronda Pozoulakis
President’s Committee on the
Arts and Humanities
Ms. Virginia Probasco
Mrs. Stephanie Prange Proestel
Herbert and Linda Proper
Daniel Pugh
Ms. Toni Purdy
Fangtu Qiu and Emily Li
Mr. Jacob Radin
Sandra Marie Ragusa
Mr. Chris Rahl
Ms. Chris Raitzyk
The Rales Foundation
Harry and Marian Randall
Kathy Randolph
Lauren Rausch
Mr. William Ray
Dr. Bonnie Reagan
Erica Reaves
Raymond L. Reed
Randi Reichel
Elizabeth and Charles Reichelt
Joseph and Judith Reiff
Mignon Reik
Mr. Salem Reiner
Michael Reisch and Lily Jarman-Reisch
Ms. Dee Dee Remenick
Ms. Karen E Renaud
Mr. William Reuling
Ms. Amy Rhodes
Carl and Bonnie Richards
Dr. William Richards
Dina Richardson
Mrs. Tona A. Riggio
The Estate of Robert Riley
Mrs. Lynda Aalpoel Riley
Stephen Robb and Judy Honig
Maria Robertson
Cecil and Donna Robinson
Dr. Maya Rockeymoore
Dr. Ann Rogers
Mr. Jonathan Rogers
Mrs. Ashleigh Rohm
Roland Park Women’s Club
Sara Rollfinke
Mr. Edgar Romero
Mr. David Ropp
Sondra Rose
Bev Rosen and Russ Morris
Mr. Benjamin Rosenberg
Ms. Barbara Rosenberger
Howard and Michelle Rosenbloom
Mrs. Beth C. Rosenwald
Gary and Naomi Rosner
Phyllis and David Ross
Mary Ross and Donna Martin
Paul Rothman and Frances Meyer
Ms. Amalie R. Rothschild
Lissa Rotundo
Roundwood Fund
The Jim & Patty Rouse Charitable
Ted and Lucinda Rouse
Suzan Rouse
Clark and Constance Row
Ms. Maryann Rozzell
Mr. Michael S. Rubenstein
Mr. Peter Ruchkin
Dr. Janice Marie Rusnak
Mr. Ira Russcol
Neil and JoAnn Ruther
The Honorable and Mrs. Boyd
Christine Rutkowski
Ms. Elizabeth Ryan
Ann Sacks
Ruth Sadler and Robert Byrnes
Kelly Sage
Ms. Keiko Saito
The Salmon Foundation
Elise and David Saltzberg
Jeffrey and Diana Samet
Jon and Barbara Samuels
Mrs. Jeanne Samuels
Wendy Sanborn
Ms. Kirsten E. Sandberg
Ms. Maureen Sandberg
Sander and Norma K. Buchman Fund
Dina and John Sarbanes
Mrs. Jennifer Sarlin
Ms. Molla Sarros
David and Ann Saunders
Ms. Brenda Saunders
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