Overture Magazine - 2015-2016 Season January-February 2016 | Page 22
{ program notes
from the hammering dissonant chords.
As the development trails off into an eerie
passage of trembling violins, the horns
anticipate the principal theme and push
the orchestra into the recapitulation.
The second-movement funeral march
in C minor is in rondo form; Beethoven
here converts a form often used for lighthearted Classical finales to a tragic purpose.
In his superb new biography of Beethoven,
Jan Swafford tells us that the musical style
here was inspired by the grand funeral
marches during the French Revolution.
Over imitation drum rolls in the strings,
the famous threnody unfolds its majestic course. It is succeeded by an episode
in C major that injects rays of sunshine
and hope, with fanfares proclaiming the
greatness of the fallen hero. Then the dirge
melody returns and swiftly becomes an
imposing fugue: counterpoint intensifying
emotion. In the movement’s remarkable
closing measures, the march theme disintegrates into sobbing fragments.
The third-movement scherzo provides
relief after the weight and drama of the
opening movements. Yet it too retains
intensity in the midst of light-heartedness.
Beethoven re-introduces a gentler
variant of the off-the-downbeat hammer
blows from the first movement; eventually
they briefly push the three-beat meter
into two beats.
After struggle, the finale brings joy
in the form of sublime musical play. It is
an imposing set of variations on a theme
Beethoven had used three times before:
in an early set of Contredances, in the
Creatures of Prometheus, and for the piano
variations now known as the “Eroica”
Variations. In fact, these are double variations because Beethoven first isolates the
bass line of his theme as a witty little tune
in its own right, only later giving us the
theme itself in the woodwinds. Elaborate
fugal passages and a grandly martial
episode culminate in a sublime apotheosis:
a group of variations in a slower tempo
that proclaims the hero’s immortality. The
Presto climax is capped by the symphony’s
opening E-flat hammer blows, now
triumphant rather than tragic.
Notes by Janet E. Bedell, Copyright ©2016
20 O v ertur e |
www. bsomusic .org
Pixar in Concert
Music Center At Strathmore
Thursday, January 21, 2016 — 8 p.m.
Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall
Friday, January 22, 2016 — 8 p.m.
Saturday, January 23, 2016 — 8 p.m.
Sunday, January 24, 2016 — 3 p.m.
Presenting Sponsor:
Constantine Kitsopoulos, Conductor
Randy Newman Toy Story
© 1995 Walt Disney Music Company
Thomas Newman Finding Nemo
© 2003 Pixar Music and Wonderland Music Company, Inc.
Michael Giacchino Ratatouille
© 1998 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
Thomas Newman WALL-E
© 2007 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
Randy Newman A Bug's Life
© 2008 Pixar Music and Wonderland Music Company, Inc.
Randy Newman Toy Story 2
© 1999 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
Randy Newman Cars
© 2006 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
Michael Giacchino Up
© 2009 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
Michael Giacchino The Incredibles
Randy Newman Monsters, Inc.
© 2004 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
© 2001 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
Michael Giacchino Cars 2
© 2011 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
Randy Newman Toy Story 3
© 2010 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
Patrick Doyle (PRS) Brave
© 2012 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
Randy Newman Monsters University
Creative Director: Pete Docter
Creative Editor: David Tanaka
Executive Producers: Jonas Rivera
and John Lasseter
Producers: Laurel Ladevich and Brice Parker
Disney Executive Producer: Jonathan Heely
Music Adapted by: Mark Watters
© 2013 Pixar Talking Pictures and Walt Disney Music Company
Orchestrations by: Mark Watters, Brad Dechter,
Tim Simonec, Peter Boyer, Jonathan Sacks,
Eric Schmidt, Gordon Goodwin, Ira Hearshen
Music Editor: Ed Kalnins
Guitar Arrangements: Carl Rydlund
Special thanks to Jonathan Garson, Chris Montan
and Tom MacDougall for their support and insight.
Supporting Partner: