S y m p hon y f u nd H ono r Roll
Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation
Ruth Carol Fund
The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
Sander & Norma K. Buchman
The Goldsmith Family
Foundation, Inc.
Peggy & Yale Gordon Trust
Young Artist Sponsor
Hoffberger Family Philanthropies
Ensign C. Markland Kelly, Jr.
Memorial Foundation
The Salmon Foundation
The Speedwell Foundation
$10,000 or more
Anonymous (1)
Dr. Sheldon and Arlene Bearman
Herbert Bearman Foundation
Clayton Baker Trust
Bunting Family Foundation
Charlotte A. Cameron
The Dan Cameron Family
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Getty Education and Community
Investment Grant Program
Supported by The League of
American Orchestras and The Ann
and Gordon Getty Foundation
LaVerna Hahn Charitable Trust
Betty Huse, M.D. Charitable Trust
John J. Leidy Foundation, Inc.
The Letaw Family Foundation
Macht Philanthropic Fund of the AJC
Ronald McDonald House Charities of
Baltimore, Inc.
Cecilia Young Willard Helping Fund
Wright Family Foundation
$5,000 or more
Anonymous (1)
The Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown
Family Foundation
Cameron and Jane Baird Foundation
Clark Winchcole Foundation
The Charles Delmar Foundation
Israel and Mollie Myers Foundation
Rogers-Wilbur Foundation, Inc.
Jim and Patty Rouse Charitable
$2,500 or more
ALH Foundation, Inc.
The Campbell Foundation, Inc.
Edith and Herbert Lehman
Foundation, Inc.
The Aaron Copland Fund for Music
$1,000 or more
Anonymous (1)
ACMP Foundation
Charlesmead Foundation
Margaret O. Cromwell Family Fund
Dimick Foundation
The Harry L. Gladding Foundation
The Ralph & Shirley Klein
Foundation, Inc.
Ethel M. Looram Foundation, Inc.
Mangione Family Foundation, Inc.
Government Grants
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
The Citizens of Baltimore County
Carroll County Government & the
Carroll County Arts Council
Commonweal Foundation Fund of
The Community Foundation for
the National Capital Region
Howard County Government & the
Howard County Arts Council
Maryland State Arts Council
Maryland State Department of
Arts and Humanities Council of
Montgomery County
National Arts and Humanities
Youth Program
National Endowment for the Arts
Bill and Dotty Nerenberg
The BSO gratefully acknowledges the
generosity of the following donors who
have given Endowment Gifts to the
Sustaining Greatness and / or the
Heart of the Community campaigns.
Anonymous (6)
Diane and Martin* Abeloff
Alex. Brown & Sons Charitable
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Allen
Eva and Andy Anderson
Anne Arundel County Recreation and
Parks Department
William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund
Mr. H. Furlong Baldwin
Baltimore Community Foundation
Baltimore County Executive, County
Council, and the Commission on
Arts and Sciences
The Baltimore Orioles
Georgia and Peter Angelos
The Baltimore Symphony Associates,
Marge Penhallegon, President
Patricia and Michael J. Batza, Jr.
Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg
The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce I. Blum
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Bordley*
Jessica and Michael Bronfein
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Bunting, Jr.
Laura Burrows
Dr. and Mrs. Oscar B.* Camp
Carefirst BlueCross BlueShield
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Cowie, Jr.
Richard A. Davis and Edith
Rosalee C. and Richard Davison
Mr. L. Patrick Deering*, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert R. Counselman, The
RCM&D Foundation
and RCM&D, Inc.
DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary US
Carol and Alan Edelman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Elkins
Deborah and Philip English
Esther and Ben Rosenbloom
France-Merrick Foundation
Ramon F.* and Constance A. Getzov
John Gidwitz
The Goldsmith Family Foundation,
Joanne Gold and Andrew A. Stern
Jody and Martin Grass
Louise and Bert Grunwald
H&S Bakery
Mr. John Paterakis
Harford County
Hecht-Levi Foundation
Ryda H. Levi* and Sandra Levi
Betty Jean and Martin* S. Himeles, Sr.
Hoffberger Foundation
Howard County Arts Council
Harley W. Howell Charitable
The Huether-McClelland Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hug
Independent Can Company
Beth J. Kaplan and Bruce P. Sholk
Dr. and Mrs. Murray M. Kappelman
Susan B. Katzenberg
Marion I. and Henry J. Knott
Scholarship Fund
The Zanvyl and Isabelle Krieger Fund
Anne and Paul Lambdin
“Good music is blood in our veins, more
nourishing than food. We are pleased to
include the symphony in our estate plans
to help ensure that the BSO will be here
long after we’re gone.”
As a four year-old, Dotty began attending concerts in New York City from
her New Jersey home alongside her mother, grandmother and aunt—who
required absolute quiet during concerts in reverence to the music. Hence
began a life-long love of music, soon augmented with piano lessons beginning with Clementi Sonatinas, and later through Steinway Piano auditions.
Although headed toward a music teaching career, Dotty switched to medicine
where, in medical school in Kansas City, she organized monthly chamber
music concerts. After serving as a docent with the L.A. Philharmonic while
her children were [