program notes {
own against rowdy Beethovenian crossrhythms in the orchestra, the violin
soars fleetly to a bold conclusion.
Instrumentation: Flute, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, two trumpets,
timpani and strings.
Symphony No. 4 in G Major
Gustav Mahler
Born in Kalischt, Bohemia, July 7, 1860;
died in Vienna, May 18, 1911
The imaginative process by which a
composer creates a new work of music
is infinitely mysterious, and it often bears
little relationship to the circumstances of
his daily life, his physical health, or even
his prevailing psychological mood. This
was certainly the case with Gustav Mahler
and his Fourth Symphony: this complicated, highly sensitive genius somehow
managed to create his sunniest, most
untroubled work at a time when just about
everything seemed to be going wrong.
And not even the sun was shining on the
banks of the Aussee that summer of 1899.
Summers were precious to Mahler, by
then the overworked music director of
the Vienna State Opera. The rest of the
year was devoted to conducting, coping
with the day-to-day demands of running a
large musical institution, and battling the
cut-throat cultural politics of turn-of-thecentury Vienna. Only during a few weeks
each summer did he have the time and
peace for sustained work on his growing
family of symphonies.
However, the summer of 1899 did not
bring that peace. First, Mahler’s original
retreat, booked months in advance, proved
impossible, and he had to devote ten days
of his dwindling holiday seeking out a
new spot. This he finally found near the
Aussee in western Austria’s Salzkammergut lake district, but it was little better.
The denizens of the nearby spa seemed to
delight in harassing the reclusive celebrity,
and there were also the inescapable sounds
of the spa band competing with Mahler’s
own internal music: “serenades, funeral
marches and wedding marches every day
from eleven o’clock, and on Sunday from
Das himmlische Leben
The heavenly life
Wir geniessen die himmlischen Freuden
We revel in heavenly pleasures,
Drum tun wir das Irdische meiden.
Leaving all that is earthly behind us.
Kein weltlich' Getümmel
No worldly turmoil
Hört man, im Himmel
Is heard in heaven,
Lebt alles in sanftester Ruh'!
We all live in sweetest peace.
Wir führen ein engeliches Leben,
We lead an angelic existence,
Sind dennoch ganz lustig daneben!
And so we are perfectly happy.
Wir tanzen und springen,
We dance and leap,
Wir hüpfen und singen,
And skip and sing;
Sankt Peter im Himmel sieht zu!
aint Peter in Heaven looks on.
Johannes das Lämmlein auslasset,
Saint John has let out his little lamb,
Der Metzger Herodes drauf passet!
the butcher Herod is lurking:
Wie führen ein geduldig's,
We lead a patient,
Unschuldig geduldigs, Guiltless patient,
Ein liebliches Lämmlein zu Tod!
Darling little lamb to death.
Sankt Lukas den Ochsen tät schlachten
Saint Luke is slaying the oxen,
Ohn' einig's Bedenken und Achten.
Without the least hesitation;
Der Wein kost' kein' Heller
Wine costs not a farthing
Im himmlischen Keller,
In the Heavenly tavern;
Die Engelein, die backen das Brot. The angels bake the bread.
Gut’ Kräuter von allerhand Arten,
Fine sprouts of every description,
Die wachsen im himmlischen Garten!
Are growing in Heaven's garden.
Gut' Spargel, Fisolen,
Fine asparagus, fine herbs,
Und was wir nur wollen,
And all we desire,
Ganze Schüsseln voll sind uns bereit!
Huge platefuls for us are prepared.
Gut' Äpfel, gut' Birn' und gut' Trauben,
Fine apples, fine pears and fine grapes,
Die Gärtner, die alles erlauben! The gardeners let us pick freely.
Willst Rehbock, willst Hasen? You want venison, hare?
Auf offener Strassen
In the open streets
Sie laufen herbei! They go running around.
Sollt' ein Festtag etwa kommen,
And when there's a holiday near,
Alle Fische gleich mit Freuden
All the fishes come joyfully
Dort läuft schon Sankt Peter
And off runs Saint Peter
Mit Netz und mit Köder,
With net and with bait,
Zum himmlischen Weiher hinein. Towards the celestial pond.
Sankt Martha die Köchin muss sein!
Saint Martha must be the cook!
Kein' Musik ist ja nicht auf Erden, There's no music at all on earth
Die uns'rer verglichen kann werden.
Which can ever compare with ours.
Elftausend Jungfrauen
Eleven thousand virgins
Zu tanzen sich trauen!
Are set dancing.
Sankt Ursula selbst dazu la