The Baltimore
Symphony Orchestra
2013 –2014 Season
The Baltimore
SyMphony ORchestra
Marin Alsop
Music Director
Kenneth W. DeFontes, Jr.
Paul Meecham
President & CEO
Eileen Andrews
Vice President, Marketing
& Communications
Laura Soldati
Director of Public Relations
Alyssa Porambo
Public Relations &
Publications Coordinator
Janet E. Bedell
Program Annotator
Baltimore magazine
Design and Print Division
Ken Iglehart
Art Director
Vicki Dodson
Senior Graphic Artist
Michael Tranquillo
Contributing Writers
Laura Farmer
Christianna McCausland
Martha Thomas
Rebecca Kirkman
Account Representatives
Lynn Talbert
[email protected]
Julie Wittelsberger
[email protected]
Baltimore magazine
Design and Print Division
1000 Lancaster Street, Suite 400
Baltimore, MD 21202
410. 752. 4200
2 O v ertur e |
www. bsomusic .org
I always look forward to the changing of the seasons. With spring comes renewal and a new
energy that forecasts opportunities for reinvention and reimagining musical experiences, both
indoors and outdoors!
A summer highlight is the chance to move away from the mainstage and share music under
the stars at our annual “Star Spangled Spectacular,” July 3 and 4 at Oregon Ridge Park.
Picnics, face painting, food trucks and fireworks, all accompanied by patriotic favorites —I
can imagine no better way to spend a summer
Now is also a
evening. We’ll also have opportunities to see the
good time to visit
BSO in the great air-conditioned indoors at an
All-Baroque program on July 11, Video Games
the all-new
Live, July 17 at the Meyerhoff, an All-Beethoven!
program on July 25, and featuring special guest
Ben Folds on July 26.
Summer also means preparing for a new season of concerts. Many of the programs
explore themes of spirituality, from Mozart’s “Great” Mass, to Mahler’s symphonic