Overture Jan/Feb 2022 | Page 12

The Search for


A Huge Array of Talent with Innovative Ideas , a Range of Musical Personalities , and Interpretive Approaches
From left to right : Vitor Trindade , Clarinet ; Qing Li , Principal Second Violin ; Jonathan Jensen , Bass
What Exactly is a Music Director ? //
A music director ’ s job is both incredibly expansive and incredibly specific . To quote the most common analogy , a music director is like a football coach : she leads the team .
Let ’ s start with our playbook . Not only does a music director help to attract and retain the best talent within the orchestra , she also drives the artistic vision for the entire season . From choosing repertoire to featuring key players as soloists , she knows exactly how to draw out an orchestra ’ s strengths in her programming . And , while different concerts speak to different audience members , the overall personality of the orchestra is unified and defined by the music director ’ s vision .
She also needs to inspire . A music director motivates the orchestra — she strengthens artistic standards , such as style and expressivity , and sparks creative energy . And the inspiration must go beyond the stage . She also serves as a principal ambassador for the team . From media interviews to relationships with donors , a music director is always in the spotlight to share and encourage support for her vision .
But the analogy , of course , isn ’ t perfect : when game day comes , a music director joins the field . She ’ s also amongst the ranks of the world ’ s finest musicians .
How to Find the Right Leader //
A true renaissance person , very few people can do the job , and even fewer people know how to find that person . With 26 years of experience in the industry , Senior Artistic Planning Consultant Bob Moir came to the BSO in 2020 to guide us through the multi-year search process and artistic planning in a time of artistic leadership transition .
“ The very first task in our search was to appoint James Conlon as Artistic Advisor ,” said Moir . “ While neither a candidate nor interested in the position , Conlon is one of the world ’ s most highly regarded and well-established conductors . His position provides necessary stability in artistic leadership as we work to identify the best artistic leader for the organization ’ s future .”
With an Artistic Advisor and a Search Committee ( comprised of musicians , board , community leaders , and staff ) in place , the second task was to identify the traits of an ideal candidate . And there ’ s one non-negotiable : we need a great musician .
“ What each musician looks for in a music director is certainly not objective , so I can only speak for myself ,” said First Violin Holly Jenkins . “ In addition to clarity of gesture and musical vision , I look for someone who can effortlessly communicate the emotional content of the music through clear physical gestures and facial expressions .”
Photography by Maximilian Franz
10 OVERTURE / BSOmusic . org