Over the Bow Volume 82 Issue 1 Winter 2023 Winter 2023 | Page 7

I cannot be more thrilled than I am with the start of 2023 . As I travel around the District and speak with our members I can see the excitement building .
I cannot be more thrilled than I am with the start of 2023 . As I travel around the District and speak with our members I can see the excitement building .
The Auxiliary has once again sprung to life , hitting the deck hard with training and getting boots on the ground and engaging the boating public . As you may often hear me say , “ we are one of the best kept secrets ”, so I look forward to seeing that change . Not only by engaging the boating public , but by bringing our message to everyone , creating relationships with businesses and community groups which will pay dividends for years to come . Added value will be each of us getting that one new member , as it is now time for us to grow !
There is no question that the Coast Guard is looking for our help . In recent months we have been involved in a nationwide GAP analysis that will indicate where we stand and what more we can bring to the table to partner with active duty . Already we have added substantial value to the active duty by our ability to step up , back-fill essential positions among many programs . We provide chefs , chaplains , watchhstanders , and more up and down the chain at every level in RBS .
Also let us not forget those who sacrificed time and enjoyment of family by deploying to the Southwest border . We say Bravo Zulu to those Auxiliarists who were available to support this mission . When we are asked what we do , the answer should always be “ I save lives ”. When asked to explain you should be ready and say without hesitation that while you may never know the life you save , that what you do , whether teaching a boating safety course , doing a vessel inspection , or working as a program visitor , in the end someone , somewhere at some time received that golden nugget that saved their day .
At the start of the year we established several goals . Chief among those was seeing that outstanding awards were issued and that those owed money on orders were paid . On the awards front , more than 1200 awards were prepared and distributed to Divisions , thanks to the exhaustive work of David Mooney , Doug Janelle , DCOS Michael Klacik and Auxiliary Affairs Specialist Roger Lett . On the repayment of back orders , that work still continues , so more to come .
In closing , I am so very proud and honored to be an Auxiliarist , and one of those you have chosen to serve the District in any way I can .

Michael West

Michael West District Commodore First Southern District