that enables Auxiliary subject ma�er experts to help support research projects , on an as needed bases . For Project 2022-12 , since it involved an Auxiliary mission , having Auxiliarists involved as subject ma�er experts was logical . The RDC ’ s Auxiliary unit coordinator worked with the RDC project team to identify and invite local Auxiliary members , who were qualified and experienced Aids Verifiers , to join the project team in August ( Christine Howe and David Marrio� ).
HE RDC PROJECT TEAM , which now included Auxiliary team members , discovered that Auxiliarist O ’ Connor down in D7 had developed a prototype iPhone-based PATON inspection application that was in use in D7 and was approved by the CG in D7 . Auxiliarist O ’ Connor was no stranger to the RDC , as he volunteered in 2020 to become a charter member of the RDC / AUX Skills Bank as a retired systems engineer at Dell Computers who had served as a member of the Chief Technical Officer ’ s staff for many years . As a retired systems engineer at Dell computers he had served as a member for many years and was a welcoe addition .
The existence of a working prototype was shared with the RDC project team and Zoom conference calls with Auxiliarist O ’ Connor began . Fortunately , a member of D7 , and a colleague who has used the iPhone-based application ( David Green ), was “ summering ” in Connecticut and agreed to join the RDC project team .
An on the water demonstration was soon organized and conducted using an Auxiliary facility with the RDC / AUX project team on board .
Since any product developed and delivered to the Auxiliary will be one that will have a national rollout , the project team invited National Division Chief - Navigation Systems , Ed Martin and his Branch Chief Michael Hay , to join the team . Auxiliarist Martin served for many years as a NOAA officer and Auxiliarist Hay ’ s aids verification experience are both welcome additions .
The project continues , as more research is being conducted across CG Districts . It is an excellent example of how good communications can lead to unanticipated collaborations which ultimately produce a winning proposition . CG leadership training teaches us to “ Challenge The Status Quo ” and the Ideas @ Work initiative is an excellent opportunity for all in the CG , regardless of rank or job to be an agent of change .
Get involved at CG Ideas @ Work