Over the Bow Volume 80 Issue 2 Fall 2021 | Page 19

Como Pica had this to say about the current annual inspection and reporting process required for hundreds of PATONs : “ Everything the Coast Guard knows about a PATON is in the Harbormaster database . It makes the most sense to take information with you , to determine on scene what is discrepant . So , the Aids Verifier is compelled to download from Harbormaster to paper , enter inspection data onto a paper form , and then later re-type all that wri�en information into the Harbormaster database … in the 21 st century ?”
In addition to submi�ing his idea to CG Ideas @ Work Innovation for improvement to the existing manual PATON inspection process , Auxiliarist O ’ Connor began work on developing a prototype iPhone-based inspection application to replace the current manual process .


UBSEQUENTLY , the ideas submi�ed by both Auxiliarists were recognized by the
Ideas @ Work team as having merit and were eventually submi�ed and selected as a project for the CG Research and Development Center ’ s 2022 project portfolio . Next , A project team was assigned to manage the resources needed to accomplish the stated objectives below .
Next step was having a RDC project team assigned to Project 2022-12 . Fortunately , the story does not end here . Over the past 5 years a very good working relationship has evolved between he CG Reasearch and Development Center and the Auxiliary . It is now a sustainable partnership