District Commodore ’ s Message
Here we are halfway through the year 2021 . The clouds are clearing , the seas are calming and we ' re moving towards more normalcy . We weathered the COVID storm and on April 7th , 2021 “ Update 7 for COVID-19 guidance from D1 ” was issued . It cleared the way for us to start getting back to doing what we love to do . So where do we go from here ?
Shipmates :
Recreational boaters are starting to take to the water again . Now it ' s time for us to do the same . While many say prevention cannot be measured , we do know boating accidents , injuries and deaths have significantly increased last year , and even into this year . Many say it is because of various factors , but I believe most importantly that a major factor is that D1SR Auxiliarists , were not able to be involved in boating safety outreach in many ways .
We are moving ahead . Vessel Examiners and Public Visitors have been getting our information and literature distributed and vessel exams are underway . Boating safety education is the key to success . You are already making a difference . You are preventing a tragedy !
I continue to enforce my policy of “ your health and safety is my number one priority ” There is a major undertaking for our member safety , and it is fully and wholly supported by our DIRAUX and OTO . Safety is everybody ’ s responsibility Remember , always think safety .
The National ( NACO ) and Vice National Commodore ( VNACO ) are forming a national safety team . The goal is a “ Culture of Safety ”. The VNACO has designated the District Chief of Staff ( DCOS ) as the District Safety Officer , Vice-Division Commanders , the Division Safety Officers and Vice Flotilla Commanders , Flotilla Safety Officers .
Our Qualifying Examiners ( QE ’ s ) are ready to go and conduct check rides to requalify our boat crew and coxswains . Please do not wait until the last minute . We will be adding active-duty QEs to the roster . This makes good sense and builds good relations . It gives us a greater pool of QE ’ s and allows the active duty to witness the high-quality crew and coxswains that work for the respective OIA ’ s . It also builds trust and adds to our relevance . A win-win for all involved .
I have been visiting all the active-duty sectors , stations , and units in our AOR to forge strong relationships . We will work together to understand how Auxiliiarists can better support these units . The Officers in Charge and Commanding Officers ( OICs and COs ) want and need our support .
The District Chief of Staff has begun planning the next D-Train for March 2022 . We want to make it a great event for OUR members of D1SR . We have asked for and value your input .
The Memorial Day weekend Jones Beach Air Show featuring the USAF Thunderbirds , was a great opportunity to use our Emergency Management ( EM ) group which stood up a short Incident Management Team ( IMT ) to plan and manage the event . With the support of BMC Turner , OIC Station Jones Beach , we expanded what used to be the “ normal ” operations . In addition to the IMT , we brought in our Communications group , PA , FS , Air Operations and Surface Operations . I am so proud of the way we planned , managed , and implemented . The Long Island Sound Sector Commander , CAPT VanCamp was on site with me , and she also was impressed , opening the door for expanded roles with the Sector IMT
Never forget , your health and safety is my number one priority . Please stay safe and stay well .
Respectfully ,
Mark A . Stone
Mark A . Stone District Commodore First Southern District