Over The Bow Volume 79 Issue 1 Fall 2020 | Page 9



In the last few years the Auxiliary has become a key RDC partner in the execution of an array of diverse research projects.

Worked side-by-side with RDC in field -testing alternatiaves to pyrotechnic signaling devices that resulted in a new hand-held electronic Visual Distress Signaling Device standard

Helped with public prize competition challenges that included serving as technical judges and providing test assets to evalutate person-in-the-water detection technology

Assisted RDC personnel with constructing a ground control station in Fairbanks, AK, for a Department of Homeland Security-sponsored project on CubeSats

Created a documentary of large-scale oil burn research on Little Sand Island in Mobile Bay, Alabama.

As a result of the many successful Auxiliary support mission, the RDC-Auxiliary relationship broadened and secured the Auxiliary's posture as a trusted partner of the RDC. Consequently, the RDC and the Auxiliary are planning to expand the Auxiliaries support mission in order to facilitate ongoing RDC research and development projects. In 2017, an Auxiliary Liason Officer (AUXLO) was designated in response to the growing relationship with RDC.

D1SR Commodore Bill Bowen took the management and leadership of the RDC relationship to the next level by creating a position in the 1SR command structure that reported directly to the Commodore, an Auxiliary Unit Coordinator (AUC).

The new Auxiliary support program will leverage Auxiliary members, who possess science and technology skills, as force multipliers for the RDC's research & development project teams.

Auxiliarist Lowell Siegel and Dr. Joseph DiRenzo RDC Public Affaris