This winter has been similar. One Nor’easter after another has stormed up the coast of 1SR and wreaked havoc with as cold and snowy weather. Decks, roofs, docks, trees, etc. have felt the fury of these storms with yours truly suffering a badly damaged deck.
Throughout these storms one thing kept me focused and ready to soldier on. That has been the concern for each other that has been a constant source of inspiration. Yes, after a slow start Old Man Winter threw everything he had at us and we persevered. Thank you, all of you who reached out, checked on others, and maintained that spirit of fellowship we talk so much about.
Our combined D-Train is now in the history books as a very successful event. Close to five hundred members attended and participated in every aspect. As we continue to work together with D1NR we will continue to improve on what we offer as well as improving relationships, communication and joint efforts. We are, after all the First Coast Guard District. One.
There are too many people to thank in this space, but you all know who you are and I thank you whole-heartedly!
Now that Spring is upon us we all turn to gearing up for boating season and all that it involves. Facilities, training, currency check rides, coordination with our local Coast Guard units. On it goes.
Please keep Paddle Craft Safety in the forefront of your RBS efforts. We’re making progress and saving lives. Nothing is more important!
Semper Paratus Shipmates!
Bill Bowen
Bill Bowen
District Chief of Staff,
First District Southern Region
This has been the endless winter. I’m sure many of you have seen the movie “Groundhog Day” where the same day occurs over and over.
District Chief of Staff's Message