ACH YEAR newly elected Flotilla and Division leaders are invited to
attend the “LDA” and this past December, for the third year, it was a
joint D1 venture being presented and attended by members from D1
North and D1 South. Plans are already in place to offer future, formal leadership training to District Staff Officers as well as aspiring elected leaders.
The weekend kicked off at 1800 hours on Friday and wrapped up with an informal graduation ceremony at noon on Sunday. Attendees were exposed to the “Academy Experience” by dorming at Munro Hall, taking their meals at the Mess at Chase Hall and attending classes at Yeaton Hall. All were also invited to attend a cocktail reception Saturday evening at the Alumni Club, where fellowship and networking were enjoyed.
The LDA is the start of one’s journey to great leadership skills. Graduates are also encouraged to take the Auxiliary Leadership and Management School (AUXLAMS), the Auxiliary Mid-level Officers Course (AMLOC), the Auxiliary Upper-Lever Officers Course (AULOC) and the Auxiliary Senior Officers Course (ASOC) for Chiefs of Staff aspiring to be District Commodores.
As our future depends on it, we’re taking an active part in developing our next generations of great leaders.
District Commodore
First Southern District