Over The Bow Volume 75 Issue 3 Fall 2017 | Page 6

Standing watches, line handling, flying ice observation patrols, conducting surface patrols, providing much needed and appreciated Aux Chefs where there are shortages of Coast Guard Culinary Specialists (CS). The list goes on. The services we provide help take the load off of those who are so multi-mission oriented that they need us to do things that sometimes cannot be done due to their operational tempo.

As we approach the Holiday Season we also need to think about our active duty brothers and sisters, many of whom are away from home, some for the first time in their young lives. This is where Auxiliary Fellowship can really play a huge role. As an enlisted leader during my career, my family made it a point to ensure that those shipmates who were unable to be at home with family, had a family. We would open our homes, hearts and Holiday for them. At times we would be almost overwhelmed, but never would anyone be left out. Christmas 1980 while stationed on Chincoteague Island, VA we had twenty five for Christmas day. They each had a gift, enjoyed playing with our two sons, and shared Christmas dinner with us.

The point is that we, as Auxiliary members, do a lot operationally for our Coast Guard and its people daily. What we can and should do is be there for them at times like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, etc. Times when being with family are most important and crucial to them.

So reach out to your stations, sectors, and cutters. Ask the commands about who will be on duty or can’t get home for the Holidays. Try to find a place for them at your table and in your home. Give your Holidays a true Coast Guard Family meaning. Happy Holidays.

Semper Paratus.


Bill Bowen

Bill Bowen

District Chief of Staff,

First District Southern Region


As volunteers to the greatest Coast Guard in the world, we consistently work to help make the service a better working environment for the men and women on active duty.

District Chief of Staff's Message