With the advent of the introduction of paddle craft onto the boating scene we have seen an unfortunate rise in boating fatalities attributed to this ever-growing sport. Focusing on paddle craft safety is now a nationwide effort due to those fatalities.
D1SR is leading the way in education, public awareness, and better understanding of the people who use the different forms of paddle craft and has created a coordinated effort.
Some may ask if this has taken away from our normal boating safety efforts. The answer is a resounding NO. In fact I believe that it has enhanced our efforts in all areas.
Locally, Operation Wild Water has challenged every Auxiliarist to be on the lookout for paddle crafters, report their positions, time and date, and what equipment they observed. These types of programs will greatly enhance our education and the Coast Guard’s enforcement efforts to reduce paddle craft fatalities.
Enlisting the boating public to be aware of paddle craft has not only educated them to the sport, but also provided the Auxiliary, Coast Guard' and other agencies with more eyes on the water.
More focused education, public awareness and vigilance will become our normal practices as they have always been but with a closer eye on the paddle craft public.
Semper Paratus.
Bill Bowen
Bill Bowen
District Chief of Staff,
First District Southern Region
Recreational Boating Safety always has been the purpose of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Our focus on public safety, education and awareness has never been more important than it is now.
District Chief of Staff's Message