Twenty-six Auxiliary members were on hand to help with the actual testing on 15 and 16 May. With Traganos as the Auxiliary's POC and coordinator, most of the other shipmates were observers. They viewed 72 different color and pattern combinations emitted from two Coast Guard vessels stationed five miles offshore, and electronically recorded their evaluations of each. Dirocca and Hart were aboard the vessels to observe and record changing weather conditions such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed, wave height and visibility.
On 2 May, District 1SR provided public affairs support to publicize RDC's initial testing of a new Maritime Object Tracking Technology (MOTT) device. Newspaper reporters and the local NBC television affiliate, as well as AUX members, were present. While Bruce Buckley DCAPT SLIS-N was stationed at the top of the I-95 Gold Star Bridge, Steven White DVC-AS and shipmate Brian Vanis (both of Division 5) and Edward Chalé SO-PA 25, observed from two Coast Guard 45-foot response boats provided by Station New London.