UXAIR acts as the “eyes” for the
Coast Guard.
There are daily missions in our AOR that take place on several different routes including MOM patrols for Sector NY, Sector Long Island (both for the Sound and the South Shore) and Lake Champlain.
As with surface facilities, aviation facilities are privately owned but certified as a facility by the Coast Guard. Flying for Air Station Cape Cod, AUXAIR facilities received orders assigning the mission for one of the sectors.
These photographs were taken during a Sector LI South shore MOM patrol. This includes taking pictures of the Jones Beach, Fire Island, Moriches and Shinnecock inlets. Crews are also tasked with special assignment as necessary.
Minimum crew for a flight is two: 1) A pilot (AC-Aircraft Commander, FP-First Pilot or CP-Co-Pilot) who is the mission commander and 2) an observer (OB-Observer or AW-AirCrew) who is also a licensed FAA pilot. We always fly with two pilots on board. All members of the crew are qualified Observers.
On the particular mission covered here, we had four pilots on board. Larry Hochheiser (AC 07-02) was the mission commander, Norm Freed (AW 07-02) was co-pilot, Peter Jensen (FP 07-02) was the photographer and Robert Dellon (OB 10-11) handled COMMS.
The author with Auxiliary 82L.