Over the Bow Spring 2024 | Page 48

The U . S . C . G . Meritorious Team Commendations award presentation aboard the USCGC Penobscot Bay on December 8 , 2023 , for ten AUXCA-1s recognized for service in support of the Afloat Units stationed in Bayonne NJ on two very challenging assignments . Four members were unable to a�end ceremony . This award was originated by the USCG EMC Brandon Tahincioglu ( Mess Chief ) and John Gallagher , ADSO-CA Afloat .

On November 14 , 2023 , John Gallagher , ADSO-CA Afloat , wrote the following to AUXCA members Anthony Carter , Jeanne Audino , Monica Couillard , Charles Fi�patrick , Michael Bibla , James Calbo , Ma� Hager , Joe Villafane and Gary Chapman :
" In recognition of your service supporting the afloat units stationed in Bayonne on two very challenging assignments you are
receiving a Meritorious Team Commendation . The command cadre of the cu�er Penobscot Bay are inviting you to ANT New York ( Bayonne ) on December 8 at 1300 hrs to receive the award from them personally and to bring a guest . I want to stress something in particular here , which is that this award originated in the chief ' s mess . That your recognition comes from that place that is the heart and soul of the Coast Guard is very significant ."
This was the first time ever that the AUXCA Team members were recognized by the USCG for services provided - truly a milestone for our Program that concluded with an awesome Ceremony by the USCGC Penobscot Bay on December 8th !
AUXCA Team members were presented with Certificates , Ribbons and Challenge Coins at an actual Coast Guard Awards Ceremony .
Our very own , well-respected John Gallagher , D1SR ADSO-CA Afloat , worked diligently with EMC Brandon Tahincioglu ( Mess Chief ) to accomplish recognition of our AUXCA Team .
Tony Carter DSO-CA