Over the Bow Spring 2024 | Page 25

The event ' s success was significantly a�ributed to the expertise and dedication of our distinguished instructors : COMO Peter Jensen , Wesley Doody , Elizabeth Eynon , Mike Gabriel , David Mooney , and Bruce Buckley . Their invaluable contributions , combined with the support of the Past Division Commanders Association , were pivotal . The association played an important role in conducting weekly meetings , ensuring that our instructors , and training programs met the highest standards and effectively served our members ' needs .
One of the highlights of the Staff Officer College was the opportunity for fellowship and bonding .
A�endees enjoyed a lunch where members from various divisions and flotillas could connect and forge lasting relationships . This aspect of the event not only enriched the learning experience but also strengthened the community within the organization .
In reflection , the a�endance and the positive feedback received are testaments to our members ' commitment to continuous learning and improvement . This event served as a motivating force for our district to provide ongoing training opportunities . We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the members who participated and contributed to making the SOC a success .
Presenters : Left , Mike Gabriel , Below , Dave Mooney .
Semper Paratus .