Ovation 2013 | Page 11

nominate a colleague Know someone who you think is deserving of an award? • Visit the Human Resources section of the DCC intranet under Awards for information, nomination forms and helpful tips • Complete and forward the awards nomination to [email protected] by Thursday, March 6, 2014 • For questions or assistance in completing a nominations form, contact the Nominations Committee member in your region. Jen Sow, Chair Robin Guillemette, Award Coordinator Janette Brodeur / Stewart Dafoe, National Capital Region Mike MacIsaac, Atlantic Region Alain Dufresne, Québec Region Amy Chigede, Ontario Region Danny Gruner, Western Region Robin Fraser, Corporate Services Stéphanie Magnan, President’s Office Craig Mercer / Trevor Rogers, Operations The DCC national awards program belongs to you. Nominate a colleague.