Outsmart Insomnia Protocol PDF / Book Free Download Outsmart Insomnia Protocol Book Free Download | Page 26

Follow the list of muscle groups in the sequence below. Work through your entire body. Practice twice a day for a week. Once you achieve a deep sense of physical relaxation; then you can move on to the Shortened PMR schedule. In the shortened version, you’ll be working with summary groups of muscles rather than individual muscle groups, and begin to use cue-controlled relaxation. There are four summary muscle groups and these are the lower limbs; the abdomen and chest; the arms, shoulders and neck; and the face. You will focus here on the complete group. Cue-controlled relaxation:. In this procedure, you will use the same tension- relaxation procedure as in the full PMR, but you will work with the summary groups of muscles. You will also put more focus on your breathing during both tension and relaxation. Inhale slowly as you apply and hold the tension. Then, when you let the tension go and exhale, say a cue word to yourself . Some suggestions for cue words/phrases include: “Relax,” “Let it go,” “It’s okay,” etc. After you have practiced for about a week and twice daily, you will have enough proficiency to practice it under other conditions and with distractions. You can then move on to the final process of Deep Muscle Relaxation. In this process, you use your imagination, starting at the top of your head and then working down through your body, and think of and then relax the various muscle groups using your cue word(s). There are other approaches toward combating insomnia that can work well too. Other Alternatives