OUTSIDE THE HELL It is story. | Page 12

The daemon pushed Emir, and June came in William's brain and said :" Get away from here ! That's not your war". And William got away. There was just Emir against Carla, June and the daemon Emir took a knife and hit it on the daemon’s pants. Than he pushed the daemon’s head and it died. ‘What are you doing? Did it die? ’ asked Carla. ‘No, It is me’ said Emir. ‘Did you revivify my mum? ’ asked Carla. ‘Yes’ said Emir. Then, Carla gave electricity and Emir died. ‘William went to the bridge and jumped from there he died’ said June. ‘We kill everybody now, to revivify our mum’ said Carla. ‘My job is over! Now I go to hell. You guys ! If you try to kill me again, I will kill your close friends’ said the daemon. The End of the First Book