why be against REDUCTION legal age?
1. Because Brazil already has a differentiated accountability model for adolescents aged 12 to 18 who practice offense provided for in the Child and Adolescent (Law 8.069 / 90); although there is an "impunity" speech, only endorse or repeats those who ignore and ignores both the prediction of legislation such as daily forensic practice in the Public Defender's Office, the Prosecutor for Children and Youth and the Children and Youth Court;
2. Because the offense, conceptually, is nothing more than all conduct equivalent to the crime and misdemeanor (Article 103 of the Statute of Children and Adolescents - Law 8.069 / 90); in short, all that is reprehensible and guilty of a crime for an adult, it is also considered infraction and inappropriate for a teen;
3. Why, in the line of juvenile accountability model adopted, a teenager who commits an infraction can be sanctioned, as well as adult, both measures in freedom (which for the adult equivalent to the penalties restricting rights or taken as alternatives) with warning, damage repair, provision of community services, integration into an assisted liberty program, as measured in an enclosed environment, which are semi-liberty and detention for a period of up to three (03) years, no less than halfway adolescence as a period of dynamic and full of life changes;
4. Because obviously already recognized a charge not only sociopedagógica but retributive in their own socio-educative measure, as diction expressed in Article 1, paragraph two, III, of Law 12,594 / 12, which established the National System of Socio-Educational Support Measures - SINASE ;
5. Because the legal age to 18 years is entrenchment clause and can not be changed in view of the provisions of Article 228 and Article 60, fourth paragraph IV of the Constitution;
6. Because statistics indicate safely and plenty, which are less than 10% of the illegal acts of murder, robbery and sexual nature committed by adolescents in conflict with the law, although the feeling is different, including the overexploitation and media repercussion involving facts allegedly committed by adolescents;
7. Why, under the pretext of discouraging the practice of illegal acts by teenagers together with adults, it is possible to increase the classification and sanction resources to punish more strictly the corruption of minors of crime attributable to the currently provided for in Article 244-B of the ECA, to focus as an adult who uses a teenager for committing a crime, which can bring better results than anticipate the incidence of penal response;
8. Because before you think this type of measure requires that the welfare state is best to meet the absolute priority and privileged allocation of public resources provided respectively by Article 227 of the Constitution and the fourth Statute of Children and Adolescents.
9. Because the recidivism rate for young offenders (around 20%) is different and much smaller than that focuses on adult criminals (in the margin of 70%), indicating that the answer to this sphere proves to be more effective and efficient to prevent further violations;
10. Because the crime phenomenon is complex, it has multiple causes, which is why the public safety problem is the constitutional obligation of the executive branch, leaving the criminology scholars identify what are the public policies (education, culture, leisure, sport etc.) that can be adopted to reduce and reduce, significantly, the volume of crimes and offenses committed;
assembly vote lowering the penal age to the end of the month