Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ Volume One May. 2014 | Page 5

My Life Through God's Eyes Often times, we are more focused on our circumstances rather than on what God is doing behind the scenes. I grew up in a very traditional environment. I faced many challenges in my life and I honestly thought that God was angry with me. As a child, I was told that I would never amount to anything. There were many negative things that were spoken in my life. I grew up believing these things. To make matters worse, I was molested several times as a child and raped when I was a teenager. I attempted suicide several times in my life. I basically gave up in life. During this time, I did not see what God saw. God saw the opportunity of making me. I now understand why I have faced challenges in my life. Because of the negative things that were spoken in my life, I now have unbelievable faith in God for my life. I trust God fully in everything I do. I know how to reverse any negative words and thoughts into what God said about my life. I would have never been able to walk with this much faith in my life, if I did not go through the negative speaking in my life at a young age. Honestly, there are so many children who are being molested today. There are so many victims of rape. The truth is, we live in a world of sin where bad things happen. I now use the molestation and rape as a strength in my life. I am sure that you are probably saying that this sounds crazy, but it's true. I am now able to help many people who have faced molestation and rape. My story has given so many people hope and strength. Regardless of what you have been through, I am here to tell you that your life will get better. I want you to began speaking blessings into your life. You don't have to give up on life and you are not defined by your past. The enemy has lied to us for so many years, but now it is time to take a stand in our lives. I know that all things work out for the good, because I am a living witness to it. Many people tell me that I am a strong individual. I realized that the strength and power I have comes from God. Through my circumstances, I have learned to completely lean on God. My entire life, my entire heart, my whole mind and soul all belongs to God.