Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ Volume Four July 2014 Volume Four | Page 5
From the beginning, God made everything.
He spoke the words, and life it brings.
He made the stars and the moon so bright,
To shine among us through the night.
Adam and Eve were created by God above.
He made people in His own image of love.
God breathed into Adam's nostrils and called him man.
God created Eve from Adam's rib and called her woman.
The first woman and man brought sin into the land.
It separated us from God, and caused trouble among man.
Although this made God angry, He still made a way.
He kept on loving us and His love is shown today.
God sent His Son to save us from the sins that had us bound.
In Christ Jesus, salvation is found.
Jesus died on Calvary, we can now be set free.
Jesus shed blood for you and for me.
God made us in order to carry out His plans.
He must first receive Him, and put our lives in His hands.
God must live within us and we must have Him in our heart.
His Holy Spirit, can give us a brand new start.
God has a special place, prepared for you and me.
It is called Heaven, where we will spend Eternally.
God's purpose is to give us life.
There is only one way, which is through Jesus Christ.
God has a purpose – for our lives.