Outreach Ministry For Jesus Christ Volume Four July 2014 Volume Four | Page 11

I pray for God's Will and Direction for all we do in Jesus name. I know that God is always in control. And I know that without a shadow of doubt that God will work everything out for our good. I thank God for never leaving us nor forsaking us. God loves us unconditionally and He has already wrote the story for our lives. I pray that we all will forever hold on to God's Spirit, His Peace, His Joy, His Love and ALL that God has for each and everyone of us. I pray that our Relationship with God will get closer and stronger. I pray that God will help us to keep Him our main focus. I pray for protection, prosperity, and blessings over all us and our love ones. May the Light of Jesus continue to shine through us each and everyday. Have a wonderful and blessed day. May God continue to Bless you all!