Outlook Outlook English, 16 April 2018

dalit distress fear of loss of a law to secure self-esteem www.outlookindia.com subscriber copy not for resale April 16, 2018 Rs 60 newbies for star matriarchs Battle of the Sexes While Fortress Patriarchy remains unbreached and rapes, trafficking, molestation and the khap mindset prevail, urban India is bracing for a backlash. The naming and shaming of male co-workers and teachers on social media has become a substitute for the due process of law. R N I N O. 7 0 4 4 /1961 8 904150 800010 1 5 twitter.com/outlookindia facebook.com/outlookindia youtube.com/outlookmagazine digimag.outlookindia.com