Outlook English - Print Subscribers Copy Outlook English, 30 July 2018 | Page 19

the enrolled employee may well have resulted in a spurt in employees being followed by GST implementation. So there was no question of expansion. If been working on a contract basis with enrolled for PF. “Bulk of the rise in EPF enrolment is nobody lost his or her job, that itself is the same company, but without any due to employees who may have been an achievement.” social security. The greatest employment creation Pro-labour reforms have been long regularised on the records,” says Anil pending with policymakers mostly Bhardwaj of the Federation of Indian has always been in the informal sector, unw­illing to take on the might of corpo- Micro & Small and Medium Enterprises with the bulk in agro-based sectors. rate lobbies. In the pre-GST era, an (FISME). “The formalisation of emp­ There is no decline in employment estimated 2.5 lakh companies were loyment in SMEs has been necessitated generation as such, though one can suspected to be operating without reg- due to government pressures and poli- question the nature and quality of istration. “If each of these companies cies putting a check on cash transac- employment. “Employment figures being put out by were employing an estimated 10 work- tions and replacing wages in cash to the government are absolutely fraudu- ers each, then 25 lakh employees were cheque or e-payments.” It is in companies that continue to lent and bogus,” says CPI(M) leader and outside the social security and welfare schemes for workers,” says Upadhyay. deal in cash transactions that things MP Tapan Kumar Sen, who argues that “Formalisation in the employment of have not changed much. Many micro the rise in workers coming under social these 25 lakh people could have spiked enterprises have been created with the security schemes is the result of trade help of Mudra loans, given by the gov- unions’ pressure on the government. up the EPFO enrolment.” Over the past nearly three decades, ernment to encourage entrepreneur- “Unfortunately, the government is using the labour market has seen considera- ship. The amount varies from Rs 50,000 the social security enrolment to project that jobs are being created.” ble changes in the nature of Sen vouches for data gen- employment. The changes, erated by the labour bureau however, have not always “Everybody is going by despite its shortcomings on been in the interest of PF data, which was some fronts. “Among all the workers, with thousands never considered different sources, the lab­ being denied fair terms important in the past our bureau figures based on and kept out of the social a focused survey of eight security net. In 1980, the for tracking jobs.” labour-intensive sectors is salaried structure of Vrijesh Upadhyay the most reliable, despite emp­loyment underwent BMS secretary-general its shortcomings. Acc­ ord­ a major change with the ing to this data, some 5.5 introduction of contract lakh jobs have been created employment. “Going by the number of in the eight sectors over In 1985, the government Mudra loans given, we three years—2015-16, 2016- stopped filling vacancies 17 and 2017-18.” in Group C and D cadre. can say for sure that Prof S. Mahendra Dev, In fact, the central govern- many new jobs must vice-chancellor of the ment abolished the Class have been created.” Indira Gandhi Institute for IV posts, opting to make Anil Bhardwaj Development Research, ad hoc appointments or FISME calls the data “not very rob­ outsource work done by ust” as the new PF enrol- employees in those posts. In effect, all the changes in govern- to Rs 10 lakh. According to official data, ments of old units may have been added ment as well as private employment 95,85,870 loans totalling Rs 51,095.97 to the total ­number. Among other pos- saw the growth of contract jobs, which crore had been sanctioned until July 13 sibilities is the shift of an SME unit by their nature are not long term. Most this year, while Rs 47,009.61 crore had from informal to formal sector due to companies continue to keep such emp­ been disbursed. Since April 2015, Rs 4.6 its staff strength increasing from 19 to loyees out of the social security net for lakh crore has been sanctioned for 20. “It is socially desirable to have the PF and EPF c ­ overage for workers, but workers. The new data might indicate a 10.38 crore beneficiaries. positive change for