Outlook English - Print Subscribers Copy Outlook English, 26 February 2018 | Page 58

AGRIBUSINESS by Lola Nayar T HE Budget’s announcement of a five-year tax holiday for Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) with a turnover of up to Rs 100 crore came as a relief to the thousands of farmers who are members of around 4,000 such com- panies in the country.    In December 2017, a sizeable number of farmers gathered at a national conference org­ anised in Pune were found to be una- ware that the FPOs were liable to pay taxes under the Companies Act, rev­ eals B. Dasaratha Rami Reddy, secre- tary general of the Consortium of Ind­ ian Farmers’ Associations (CIFA). In the last six years, the government has stepped in to promote FPOs in order to help farmers benefit from collective strength and resources, as seen in dairy milk cooperatives, in a push towards sustainability. Only farmers connected with some primary produce can be mem­ bers of such a company, which as per the law is liable to pay 30 per cent tax, plus 15 per cent on any dividends paid. Almost all FPOs are expected to benefit from the government move, giving a push to turn­ ing farmers into entrepreneurs to boost their income, encourage value addition and reduce wastage of fruit and vegeta­ bles resulting from spoilage. The CIFA is, however, unhappy with the current structure of FPOs; this is due not just to the tax element but also to the cumbersome procedures involved and the fact that most farmers are “not con­ versant with the management practices” of running a private limited company, states Reddy. But while the CIFA is seeking a cooperative structure, many see advantages in maintaining the cur­ rent corporate structure complete with a CEO and a board of directors. “As a model, there is recognition that FPOs have some advantages. The idea of building them into companies was to help give them some professional man­ agement with a CEO, a salaried employee, who is obviously a local person,” says Sumanta Chaudhuri, managing director of the Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium ((SFAC), u