Outlook English - Print Subscribers Copy Outlook English, 18 June 2018 | Page 73

‘Tone Deaf ’ The door to the Merce­ des convertible lies open, as the high-born dame, well swaddled in white, lays one gloved hand on the steering wheel. Vogue Arabia tho­ught this photo of Prin­cess Hayfa bint Abd­ ullah Al Saud, anticipat­ ing the end of the driving ban for Saudi women, would go down well. But with most rights activ­ ists who fought the ban rotting beh­ind bars, all it did was release pent-up indignation. No ‘Malice’, Just ‘Fun’ He badmouthed Barack Obama in shocking lan­ guage, ran an election campaign promising to mur­ der drug peddlers (and made good on it) and hab­­i­­tually disses women. Maybe, Philippine Pre­si­ dent Rodrigo Duterte, 73, felt kissing an aud­­ience member at an event for Filipinos in Seoul would airbrush his image. Fat chance. Shrill cries followed. Be Happy In Your Work! The bell has rung for Priyanka—so, after all, while spu­ rning earnest suitors for years, saying she just had too much work, she was keeping a sharp eye out for the right guy. When singer Nick Jonas hove into view last year, things accelerated at an unusual pace. These days, they spend time falling over each other on social media, not minding the 10-year age gap. That’s a lot of work! GETTY IMAGES “I wanted to show people around the world that you can strike at the head of power and not just bite at the ankles.Because they can shake you off when you bite at the ankles.” Actress ROSE MCGOWAN on Harvey Weinstein and #MeToo 18 June 2018 OUTLOOK 73