OUTDOOR REC GUIDE - BERKSHIRE Magazine Spring 23 | Page 6




A guide to accessible trails in the Berkshires is released
62 // BERKSHIRE MAGAZINE Spring 2023
WHEN WE STARTED HIKING as a young family in 2019 , our weekly outings began humbly , then quickly became much more . Over the next three years , we would hike and “ review ” our outdoor adventures in a family-focused blog post . As we field-tested trail after trail , I began to observe that many of the trails that worked best for us as a young family were also trails that provided some level of universal accessibility .
As excursions drew more attention online , we received many requests for trail recommendations that were stroller- or mobility-friendly . Far from being an expert , I started to compile a list of rudimentary information that went out to the general public by way of the Berkshire Family Hikes blog . Although well-intentioned as a resource for people with disabilities , families with young children , and seniors , it lacked true accessibility standards , federal guidelines , and proper terminology . What it did , though , was catch the eye of folks at the Berkshire Natural Resources Council ( BNRC ).
Providing greater access to the outdoors is a large part of BNRC ’ s driving mission , and from this common ground we began talks to create a truly accessible guide to Berkshire County ’ s trails . The aim was a concise pamphlet that provided consistent , user-friendly information about trails that were built barrier-free for wheelchairs and other mobility aid devices , as well as strollers .
As with many ideas , the challenge proved to be in the execution . The key to putting together a useful and accurate resource was in crowdsourcing information from organizations and individuals such as Marcy Marchello , Mass Department of Conservation & Recreation ’ s ( Mass DCR ’ s ) Universal Access Program coordinator , and Meg Bandarra , Unpaved Trails for All , who were invaluable in the creation of the final product .
The result is Berkshire County Trails for All . The pamphlet was developed by BNRC in partnership with Berkshire Family Hikes , Mass DCR , Unpaved Trails for All , Mass Audubon , Great Barrington Land Conservancy ( GBLC ), Laurel Hill Association , and Berkshire Language Management . It ’ s not BNRC ’ s first goround in championing ways to make nature more inclusive . Last year , it published Everybody Can Hike , a 12-page resource developed in collaboration with Latinas413 , Berkshire Immigrant Center , and Berkshire Language Management . The comprehensive guide aims to assist newcomers to better understand what to bring , what to expect , and how to stay safe on the trails . Everybody Can Hike guide has been reviewed and vetted by Unpaved Trails for All and DEI Outdoors . Pamphlets are available in both English and Spanish .
The work that BNRC does goes well beyond conservation , says BNRC President Jenny Hansell . “ We ’ re committed to continued learning and taking action around the intersection of land conservation with environmental justice , racial justice , climate resilience , clean air and water , and food justice .”
The featured accessible trails have been designed to meet the US Forest Service Trail Accessibility Guidelines for access . The trails maintain proper width , tread , slope , and barrier-free access for wheelchairs , strollers , and mobility aids . The surface of the trails are hardpacked stone and wooden decking . They also include wayfinding signage and resting areas .
The just-released Berkshire Country Trails For All includes the following locations :
All Persons Trail at Pleasant Valley : 0.4 mile , round trip . Out and back crushed stone trail through meadow and woodland , leading to 200-foot boardwalk and observation platform . Mass Audubon , Lenox .
Mary Flynn Trail : 1.2 miles , round trip . Out and back packed stone dust walk along the Housatonic River . Laurel Hill Association , Stockbridge .
Parson ’ s Marsh Reserve : 0.6 mile , round trip . Out and back packed stone pathway gives way to 900-foot boardwalk along mixed marshlands . BNRC , Lenox . Pictured at right .
North Pond Loop ( A portion of trail is accessible ): 0.5 mile , round trip . Out and back paved and packed stone dust through a wooded area . Mass DCR , Savoy .
Riverfront Trail : 1 mile , round trip . Out and back packed stone dust pathways offer river , woodland , open field and castle views . GBLC , Great Barrington .
Thomas & Palmer Brook Meadow Loop : 0.5 mile , round trip . Loop trail of packed stone dust through meadowlands and upland forest . BNRC , Great Barrington .
View the Berkshire County Trails For All and Everybody Can Hike brochures at bnrc . org / learn .
Looking for more local accessible recreation opportunities ? Be to check out both STRIDE Adaptive Sports and Mass DCR ’ s Universal Access Program .