left ‘Winter Coast ’, Hovs
Hallar nature reserve,
Skåne, Sweden
far left ‘Morning Blues’,
Varanger, Norway
photographer. I looked at images taken by other photographers and
wondered how they did it. I got a new camera and spent a huge
amount of time outside taking images, mainly at nearby locations here
in Stockholm – it was a good training ground. I began to learn how
light translates into an image. Exploring with a camera can lead to a
very diff erent interaction with a place, and Magnus feels photography
has helped give him a much deeper connection with nature. ‘Now, I
appreciate light far more; you don’t look at it in that way if you don’t
do photography. Light can totally transform a place and the details
in the landscape. I also like to be out in dramatic weather – the rainy
days, the stormy days at the coast. Landscape photographers have
a different idea of what good weather is; and if it really
is “good” weather then you can stay at home!’
Although he shoots with a DSLR, his early inspirati