outdoor photography by Dhabitah | Page 19

SUMMER Summer is the least favorite season for landscape photographers,as the light tends to be harsh and bland.Yes,the countryside does look resplendent in its lush coat of foliage,gardens and meadows are alive with color and the days last much longer.But when the sun does shine,it can be very intense and unflattering,with a high color temperature that makes images look cool,while heat haze tends to turn blue sky into an ugly washed out tone.Consequently,the number of effective hours availlable for landscape photography are no more than on a clear winters day. Between 10am and 4pm in summer,the sun is overhead and the light harsh and characterless,while shadows are short and dense.For conventional landscape photography,this isnt great,but if you find scenes containing lots of color oilseed rape,poopy fields,sunflowers on a sunny,blue sky day,its still possible to produce striking images.Use a polarizer to boost contrast and clarity,and keep your composition simple. Summer storms are also quite common,with high temperatures leading to thunder and heavy rain.This can produce amazing landscape light,but you risk a soaking to catch it!once the rain subsides,crisp,clean light will often bathe the landscape and rainbows can appear. The light is at its best at the extreme of the day,so,get to your location very early or be prepared to stay out late.The days do get shorter as summer progresses ,but 3am starts and 11pm finishes are not uncommon .You can always grab a sleep in the afternoon when the lights no good! Wild landscapes can stiil look dramatic during the summer,and by early september start to turn quite autumnal,so scout out the locations nearest you that will be fullof color.Rocky,barren coastline also changes little during the summer and can be the source of great shots especially at dawn and dusk when the light is warm. SummerQ&A Can i do anything about hazy skies? Not really.Hazy skies and overcast gray skies lack texture or drama theyre just a blanket,boring tone,but rarely makes it more interesting.Exclude the sky from your composition,maybe use a telezoom to shoot selesctive landscapes or concreate on smaller details. Is the summer a good time to use my infrared modified camera? Definitely.Theres plenty of foliage to show the ghostly infrared effect,and it doesnt matter how harsh the light is because infrared photography suits it.Useyour IR camera in parks,gardens and woodland,as well as the countryside. My summer landscapes often have an unsightly blue cast. What causes it? High color temperature on a sunny blue sky day,the color temperature can hit 10000k.If ypu use Daylight White Balance,set for 5500k,your camera will record the coolness in the light. 17