Outdoor Focus Winter 2019 | Page 2

o u t d o o r FOCUS winter 2019 From the editor... David Taylor T here’s not much room for the editor’s er, editorial in this issue of Outdoor Focus. That’s because this (thicker than usual) edition has wise words from regulars Kev Reynolds and Roly Smith, as well as Paddy Dillon. It’s also jam-packed with features about the recent ‘Big Weekend’ in the Norfolk Broads. Enjoy! 1 Sunrise time 07.43 Sunrise direction 125° DEC Sunset time 15.55 Sunset direction 235° 1 Sunrise time 08.06 Sunrise direction 128° JAN Sunset time 16.01 Sunset direction 232° 1 Sunrise time 07.39 Sunrise direction 117° FEB Sunset time 16.48 Sunset direction 243° 15 Sunrise time 07.59 Sunrise direction 128° DEC Sunset time 15.51 Sunset direction 232° 15 Sunrise time 07.59 Sunrise direction 124° JAN Sunset time 16.19 Sunset direction 236° 15 Sunrise time 07.15 Sunrise direction 110° FEB Sunset time 17.14 Sunset direction 250° Sunset/Sunrise times and direction correct for London. Times in GMT Moon phases First Quarter 3 December Full 11 December Third Quarter 18 December New 25 December First Quarter 2 January Full 9 January Third Quarter 16 January New 23 January First Quarter 1 February Full 8 February Third Quarter 14 February New 22 February Contents 3 Wordsmith 4 Book Reviews 6 Don’t throw in the towel 7 OWPG Big Weekend 8 Outdoor Book Kev Reynolds remembers the day his dad literally and metaphorically saw the light... Roly Smith reviews the latest books by OWPG members, including Chasing the Dreams and The Ullswater Way Wondering whether to give up writing guide books? Paddy Dillon advises you to think again... Big Weekend organiser, Stan Abbott, looks back on the recent Norfolk event, as well as forward to future trips Chris Townsend’s Along the Divide was the 2019 Outdoor Book winner. In an extract from the book Chris describes the environmental issues that inspired it 10 Technical Feature 12 Gallery 14 Guidebook 16 Photography 20 Outdoor/Travel Feature 22 Digital Production Jen Benson, with partner Sim, explains the why they wrote Green Light, their award-winning technical feature If you didn’t attend this year’s Big Weekend, here’s a chance to see what you missed... Tajikistan isn’t one of the world’s favourite travel destinations. Jan Bakker and Christine Oriol want to change your mind with their book, Trekking in Tajikistan Chris Howes’ Guads, New Mexico portfolio demonstrates why he’s a worthy winner of this year’s Photography award An excerpt from Summits & Skylarks shows why Alex Roddie won this year’s Outdoor/Travel Feature award Digital Production winner David Lintern explains why the campaigning website Save Glen Etive was created 8 Cover star Chris Howes Cottonwood Cave, New Mexico, USA - one of the photos from Chris’s award-winning ‘Guads, New Mexico’ portfolio. See page 16 for more details. www.wildplacesphotography.co.uk 14 If you’d like to contribute to the next edition of Outdoor Focus please send an email with your article idea to me at davidtphoto@gmail.com. The deadline for copy is the 15 February 2020. The Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild is the only UK-based association of media professionals working largely or entirely on outdoor subjects. Our members cover every fi eld of activity and all corners of the globe. They include writers, journalists, fi lm makers, photographers, publishers and editors, all with a passionate interest in the outdoors. For more information visit www.owpg.org.uk. All images and text copyright the authors. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. 2 Outdoor focus | winter 2019 20 Editing/design: David Taylor davidtphoto@gmail.com ISSN 2043-8591 (print) ISSN 2043-8605 (online)