Krem Dam
After torrential overnight rain flooded
the huge cave of Krem Dam nearly to
the roof (the water subsided in hours),
it contained its own weather system:
clouds of mist made the passage perfect
for dramatic backlighting.
Calcite formations located in an active
streamway that would flood during much
of the year are uncommon; this passage
was discovered during the expedition.
Krem Sakwa
About Chris...
Chris is a freelance photographer
and author who concentrates on
outdoor sports, natural history and
the environment throughout the
world. He is a specialist in cave and
mine photography, including the
history of underground and flash
photography. Chris has a Zoology
degree, has a worldwide digital
photo library of nature and travel
pictures, and is a Fellow of the Royal
Photographic Society (FRPS).
24 Outdoor focus | winter 2017